My stance on voting is that no vote is the only vote that makes - TopicsExpress


My stance on voting is that no vote is the only vote that makes any sense. Voting should be boycotted, that is the only way we can bring about change that will benefit us because it shows that we as a people have no confidence in the corrupt system as is. It is quite obvious that voting for the lesser of two evils does not work, and in fact, only gets us farther away from a country that represents the will of the people. However, most of the population still believes that voting works and they are not ready to boycott the vote. To pretend that boycotting the vote is going to do anything when the majority of the population will still vote does not seem logical. Therefore, we must find a way to send congress a message through the voting process, even if the process is rigged. What do we have to lose, anything? On Tuesday, November 4, 2014, the U.S. Midterm Election will be held for all 435 members of the United States House of Representatives and 33 of the 100 members of the United States Senate. On that day, I suggest voting out every single member who does not represent the will of the people, even if that means a clean sweep. This is the strongest way that I can think of to send congress the message that they work for us and it is time that they pay attention to our voices, not the voices of their lobbyists. It is time that those who do not represent us are removed from doing so. Those who want to take away the people’s freedoms and liberties need to go. Those who bow down to the corporations and/or align with interests of other nations before those of the American people need to be relieved of their power. That date of November 4th would leave us with 3 months to get a movement going and get the message out. It is time we unite as a people and take our country back from those who wish to take it from us. When we come together we become the strong, and if we come together there is no way we can lose. Divided we fall, united we stand tall. Looking for feedback and/or anyone interested in building upon this. It is time we look for solution because most of us already know what the problem is… Feel free to share this post or even make it your own, but make sure you tag other similar minded people in it if you do, you never know who could take an idea like this to the next level.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 23:59:59 +0000

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