My standards may be high, but I vowed to never settle for less - TopicsExpress


My standards may be high, but I vowed to never settle for less again. And if that means that I have to ride solo for a while, so be it... when and if the LORD be willing, He willl bring the right one into this life. The bible says that the man that finds a wife finds a good thing. And for this reason does a man leave father and mother and cleave to his wife, the two become one. Marrige is not a fling based soley on emotions, it is a union between one man and one woman base on love, loyalty, and commitment. The two indeviduals become one unit working together, headed by GOD, a living testamony of HIS love for His bride (His people,the church). And the two as one are also to be shining the light of the gospel of Jesus christ into this dark and dieing world. It supposed to be the two as one against the world not each other. As eve was a help-meet for adam so too is a godley wife to be for her husband. But men (dont get high minded...) the bible says that adam walked with GOD, so you have an acountability to be a godley man for whom your wife would be honered to follow. God is good and more than worthy of our praise, and we do so because He has proved He worthy (not that He needed to) , by His love when He went to the cross. The bible says husbands love your wifes as Christ love the church and gave Himself a sacrafice for her. The only way to truely love and lead your wife is to let JESUS do it through you, and you do THAT by walking with God and surrendering your life to Him completely and letting His love for you (and all His people...) be the motive, example, and standard for everything that you do. But a husbands priorities are first to God, then his wife (and children if he has any...), then to the church, then everybody else. Men, we will be held accountable for our ministry as husbands and fathers, because they are reflections of our relationship to the LORD. Its time to get real! I hear men (and women) walk around talking about Im grown!, well, act like it then! ... faith without works is dead, JESUS said be the light. REPENT! For the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 13:42:21 +0000

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