My statement in ENG & FR: I promised you a post explaining - TopicsExpress


My statement in ENG & FR: I promised you a post explaining what happened about my kick from G2, so let me tell you my last 3 days story within the team. First of all I would like to highlight one thing : Dont expexect an « assassin » post. Im not the type of person that enjoy bashing on others. G2 has been a real great experience for me, professionnaly and friendly wise, so I just want to thank whoever participated in it. D-2 before the kick happened: Its been a week since we came back from Bilbao (gamesGune) where we didnt perform as expected as we finished only 3rd place (I dont mean that other teams were worse than us or anything but training wise we should have do better). We already talked about that every player of the team should get a sub, so 5 sub for each role and we all were more or less OK with that but it was mostly a manager decision so we basically had to stick with it . He decided to start it off with support. I knew Rydle already and he deserved to have a tryout with the team. On the afternoon, my 4 teammates went to scrim with him in order to test him, meanwhile I was on TS with them to give an external opinion on their performance, analysing mistakes and communication. I watched/listened to them for 5 hours and Rydle was doing good with Yuuki, they had a great synergy but he was building weirdly in my opinion.. well nothing special beside I realized myself I needed to communicate better. At the end of the day, the team was globally happy about Rydle performance and though it was already enough to state him as sub but our mananger Luis decided he had to play more. We were kind of surprised because we had to train for the coke league and Tenerif which were in less than a week back then, so this training time was precious and it wasnt the time to waste some for a sub test that would play only exceptionnaly. Yuuki and I agreed that mechanically speaking, Rydle was doing fine during laning phase, however he seemed to have troubles when it comes to swap lane (comon solo Q player issue) and that I didnt have anything to learn from him. D-1 : The team starts scrimming with Rydle again and everything goes well. As a placebo effect, communication seems to be excellent, everyone win their respective lanes, rotations were good, etc. A really encouraging thing ! From my side, I was happy but I was also scared that our manager would took that recent success too serious and take hurried conclusions. And... indeed, thats what happened. After the training session, I could hear our manager and Ocelote typing heavily on their keyboard for around an hour, and at the end, I decided to follow Oce outside and speak with him. He apparently had the same opinion than me about Ridle, but noticed that yuuki seemed more at ease with him because of a better communication, which we already knew I had to work on (doesnt mean I dont say a word but Yuuki is pretty quiet and I had to compensate and lead the lane) This talk took a while and Luis (our manager) finnally joined us outside. I first told him that I was confused that the try out continues while we have to prepare for the coke league. He answered by saying he doesnt think I am good enough for him and/or for the team (which surprised me a lot) Its true that during some scrims, I dont play at my best and do mistakes, but I think Ive always been in place and beyond reproach when it counts (tournaments). Apprently he wasnt sharing that thought... Well, Im not going to go through the whole conversation because it would be too long. However my worries were speaking for me and I made him realize we wouldnt even have this conversation if I wasnt the one that forced it. He actually admited he didnt want to tell me that because he sees me as a friend (which was mutual of course). He finnally managed to speak frankly and put our friendship aside which ended up him saying that this is my last chance to improve. Day of the kick : I wake up 2hours before everyone to show that Im motivated and being professionnal and spam solo Q to be ready for scrims. My problem here is that I will have to play with huge pressure: I know my manager doesnt find me good enough, they already have a support player that can replace me, and this is my last shot We had scrims scheduled during afternoon with me as support (usual roster). Here again some problems started : communication issues, all lanes arent winning, etc..well usual/comon team story. At the end of the day all the team got ask to join our manager outside for a talk. Basically the manager didnt want me to be in the team anymore and so my teammates and I learned that I wont be a part of it,at the same time. I wont even be a sub, just kicked out. According to Luis and people that work with him (analysts , etc.) I wasnt good enough to lane with Yuuli, I wasnt allowing him to use his potential fully and that I was more a brake than anything for him and so for the team. At this very moment, I didnt contest the decision whatsoever. I accepted it and was already thinking of future plans. My « after » kick : Some anger, sadness..thats what I felt. I improved within this team since the start, kept in mind there will never be any changes and this stability would be our strength. Sadly, I was wrong. I had plenty of awesome times with each member of the team and I thank them all for it. That was an incredible life experience. Moreover the support I got after the kick annoucement was really surprising. I was feeling pretty down but after all, people made me realized I wasnt as bas as they made me think I was. So thank you ALL ! Personnal and important notes : - Dont hate on Rydle, he didnt do anything wrong, he took an opportunity and I wish him the best and he might needs your support too. - Dont hate on Ocelote, Ive been there thanks to him and you probably know me thanks to him aswell so I will always be grateful to him. - Dont hate on Yuuki, he is my old mate and believe me, he tried to make our manager changing his mind (without success though) Today, I have other projects and offers (I do have some peferences obviously). Dont worry for me, I will get back on track anytime soon ! Either way, I want to thank gamers 2, Ocelote, Yuuki, Jwaow, Morden, Lego, Jacobo, Blanco, Emilio for this shared experience and wish them the best. Thanks to all of my fans aswell : youre my biggest succcess
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 17:27:32 +0000

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