My stomach literally hurts after watching that Ray Rice and Jenay - TopicsExpress


My stomach literally hurts after watching that Ray Rice and Jenay Palmer video. I did not click on links to watch it but it came on cable TV news and Im disgusted that I didnt look away. I *had* to know what happened. My prayers go to Jenay Palmer and the millions of women who live this reality every day and have no escape, and get no news coverage. What if this came out yesterday? I was one of many sitting in a bar yesterday with lots of testosterone and guys yelling, screaming and clapping about every play. I wonder if it would have changed the tone, made people think about accountability off the field and what American pastime the NFL is really promoting (besides consuming beer and wings which I like). I am doubtful. I bet the conversation about what SHE did to provoke him would continue to dominate the discourse, like it is now. Its the same tired narrative that we saw with Rihanna and Chris Brown, that makes people sing along to Eat the cake, Anna Mae without question, that makes women legitimately fear speaking their truth or advocating for themselves. That its always a womans fault for being too mouthy, too slutty, too annoying, too angry, too smart, too much of a nag, too something that offends some dude who cant control himself. Dont come at me talking about how women provoke men and they shouldnt hit if they dont want to get hit back. I dont advocate violence but that denies the inherent power (physical and societal) difference between men & women. And ignores the fact that WAY more women are the targets of violence than men. Theres a boatload of stats and documentation supporting that. Stop drinking the metaphorical f*ckin Kool-Aid and critically think. At the very least, have some compassion. These situations are more common than you think. *drops mic*
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 18:26:12 +0000

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