My story for Moms writing class today: Marta Nelson Sept 9, - TopicsExpress


My story for Moms writing class today: Marta Nelson Sept 9, 2014 The Baby In conversation with my mom, the subject of my place in the McIntire family line came up. My parents, Jesse and Marquita McIntire had 12 children. 12 children, one at a time, in less than 18 years. Now that is quite a feat. I am number 12, the baby, the end of the line, the final hurrah. When my mom would introduce me to people, she always used the term, “my baby”. As I aged she would add, “some baby, huh?” It always brought a smile and laughter. Not just to those she was introducing, but also to my mom. Being the woman that she is: bright, bold and beautiful, kind and very loving, she has always been proud to be the mother of so many. She can boast, in the most humble of ways, of her amazing children. Because she was never proud in a self righteous way, but gave honor to where honor was due, she could heap on the accolades. Having been a praying woman, we were blessed by her specific requests to the Creator himself. She asked for healthy children, fed us well and kept us active, and she has healthy children. She asked for intelligence. She read to us, encouraged us to read to one another, taught us to write and instilled a desire for knowledge. She has 12 bright and intelligent children. Some, exceptionally intelligent. She prayed and asked God that her children would be loving and kind. Amongst the McIntire children, the loving-kindness is a strong trait. We were taught through example to share all we have, to love even the unlovable and that every person is deserving of respect. It is ingrained in all of us the most important concept, “God made all people, loves all people and every human being is important.” I love that I am the youngest of 12. I love that I was raised with such principles of family and the worth of the individual, in addition to the value of connection to one another. I love that my mom prayed and expected God to answer her prayers. I love being my mothers daughter. I love that I am the “baby” of the McIntire family.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 14:07:10 +0000

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