My stress would be gone if the VA would just correct the 35 years - TopicsExpress


My stress would be gone if the VA would just correct the 35 years of deliberately cheating me of my rightful disability. If the VA actually followed the Law under Title 38 they would owe me over a Million Dollars now. But what hurts is that I desperately need my100% rating I so deserve so that I will not have a financial burden when mother (89yo) needs to go into the rest home, & now I have to worry about me now as well, so again thank you VA for cheating a Veteran out of their Disability when they need it the most, but then again remember that the VAs Motto is DENY UNTIL THEY DIE You know it just does not make any sense at all why, of all people, the Government would chose to Cheat out of, of all things, their Disability, for Gods sakes, the very people that are responsible for the Freedom that Gives Them the very Jos they have the privilege to hold in the first place, shameful. I was a Paramedic for over 20 years & I know right now dozens of people that get SNAP (Food Stamps) that have no jobs, are just flatass to damn lazy to work & yet they get SNAP, I am on SSDI & VAD & I miss being able to get any Federal Aid of any king what so ever except for VA because they use your VAD as Earned Income, which it is not, it is DISABILITY, & as such should not be used as income that would prevent a Veteran from a program that someone that has never paid a penny into SS, Never worked for any money reported, except under the counter, or other reasons deemed racist have sat on their ass because the Government owes them, even thought they cant understand that the Government is the TAXPaYER, the Government has NO MONEY, it comes from PEOPLE THAT PAY TAXES< NOT SIT ON THEIR ASS. & yet these people can freely walk into a Welfare Office & within a few days or weeks have SNAP & any one of the other 82 overlapping WELFARE PROGRAMS that give the TAXPAYERS MONEY AWAY SO FREELY WHILE VETERANS DIE IN THE STREET HOMELESS. Because of my VAD I draw $4 too much to qualify, qualify for the one thing I will need the most, AID & ATTENDANCE & NURSING HOME CARE. I spent 8 1/2 years on active duty with the Army, a year with the Army NG, & 4 1/2 years with the Air Force NG. 14 years. & yet I have been in a 35 year battle with the VA for the disability they still are cheating me out of. Richard
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 06:54:48 +0000

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