My supernatural day yesterday What I am about to say is not for - TopicsExpress


My supernatural day yesterday What I am about to say is not for everyone but concerns everyone.... This proves to be the most difficult piece of writing for me, only because my fingers are still shaking after experiencing the supernatural first hand yesterday and most of last night. Now keep in mind I am not at liberty to reveal everything I witnessed yesterday because I promised not to and some of it is very personal. A year and a half ago, I met a young Haitian guy while hanging out with my brother by a garage. I noticed a quiet power emanating from him. Though we all were laughing and oletalking about ligaroos and Obeah in the islands ( for I had just published my book) he kept silent and observed me in a curious sort of way. This of course did not go down well with me, so I approached him and struck up a conversation in order to draw him out. To cut this story short, he asked me if I really knew what I was talking about. I was appalled that he would even asked that of me, however I kept my calm and told him, yes. This brought a smile to his face and he told me that what I knew was only hearsay but until I experienced it I could never understand. This irritated me to my core but I noticed that he did not care what or how I thought. So I asked him , what he knew about it. He then went on to tell me about a remarkable man...... Now I hope you noticed the adjective I used to describe the personRemarkable , for it is after my experience yesterday I dare use such a word in describing any human being , since I am hardly impressed by mankind. In trying to keep this short as possible, knowing that today is Saturday and you guys are probably making soup, shopping or just laying around laughing with family, I will get straight to the point. I am in the middle of my second book of supernatural tales and is suffering from writers block only because I need new material. So I thought that I would pay a call on the remarkable man in order that I might interview him. So I made arrangements a week ago and he agreed to see me yesterday 09/26/14. Now since he does not speak English I had to go with a translator which was the same guy from the garage I met over a year ago. Now I am a person who value reason above everything else. I prepared my mind to clear and sharp for that interview. This I thought was going to be theatrical and I would have a good laugh afterwards..... There was going to be nothing of that sort. I was kept waiting in a dimly lit hallway while he busied himself in preparation. Then I was brought into a room that was full of occult and voodoo items, which I expected..... Yawning and being skeptical, I thought to myself, here we go, I wish I had pop corn. He sat on a chair opposite me in a red and black shirt with his eyes closed and he began chanting and shaking a shack shack. I had to endure this for ten minutes while rolling my eyes and questioning my sanity for wasting such a nice evening when I could have been trying out some new resturant. Suddenly the chanting stopped and the shack shack fell out of his hands and his body slumped over and became still.... Then it came alive again, however the person sitting across from me was not the same person ten minutes ago.... Yes he was wearing the same clothes and had the same face but it was not the same person. He then began speaking in creole, his eyes was like fire in his head. He asked me to hold a candle between my hands and think about my deepest wish or wishes. I did but not my hidden desire and then gave it back to him. I nearly fell out of m chair when he told me what I had hidden in my heart..He knew what lifestyle and type of family I was born into.. It did not stop there, he told me something that I had suspected a long time ago and then challenged me to prove it..... (I will soon)........ This man told me things about my life that only god should know...... Then he revealed to me people who had evil intentions towards me.... He asked me what I wanted to do to them.... I asked to see them, he said I would in my dreams later that night... I did last night but they were powerless against me. So I sent back their negative energy to them, I dont think their day or week is going to be good, for I saw the anger it left with......( This part happened in my sleep last night, only I could think and make choices in that dream.) Back to waking reality yesterday...He then demonstrated a feat that blew my mind. You remember how Jesus turned water into wine, well he turned something into something before me....( sorry cant say what) then he caused faces to appear in a pan of water..... He took me into the back yard and showed me where the real deep voodoo takes place. The objects in that shed would cause a weak heart to collapse. Later on he told me that the deepest and most powerful voodoo was now in Brazil, Haiti was number two, Jamaica number three , Saint Lucia was number four and Trinidad number five. He told me that tradition has been in his family all the way back from Africa. His magic was only to be used for good. To remove sickness, spells, bad luck. To improve ones life and clear their path. I was told that if I knew the amount of evil that is in the air around us I would not sleep a wink again. The supernatural does not care if you believe in it or not. Just like a virus it will have its way with you and you can then rationalize all you wish later, that is if you are still breathing. When I left his house I felt a lightness , my head was clear and my senses acute. Then last night I dreamt the dreams he told me I would, I saw things about people I know and I saw myself , my real self for the first time. I awoke this morning to a powerful feeling and to the distant beating drums of my ancestors in time when god and man lived in unity. Clyde Viechweg ( reflections in a cold city)
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 13:52:20 +0000

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