My support of Yes on 1 should hopefully be undeniable. I have had - TopicsExpress


My support of Yes on 1 should hopefully be undeniable. I have had an issue come up by some folks that they have seen my Alderman sign next to a No on One sign in a yard. I noticed it as well. That person clearly disagrees me on the constitutional amendment on the ballot, yet supports me as Alderman. I wrestled with how to address this situation, if at all. I concluded that I would do nothing about the situation. I had lunch last week with a gentleman whose profile picture is absolutely opposite of mine. He is a strong No on one, but we are able to have pleasant encounters without screaming and yelling. Ive always been pleased that Ive had friends who disagree with me on issues. All the way back to Jonathan Myers in college who I got along with amazingly well, though our views could not be more different! I represent a group of people who are Christians, non-Christians, atheists, other religions, conservative, socialist, liberal, you name it. Some of my closest friends do not share my beliefs, values, or views, but we find a way to get along. There are rough spots for sure at times, but I always try to find common ground and focus on areas where we agree and gently discuss areas were we dont. If someone knows me, knows my position on the first constitutional amendment (and if you are curious about my position just click on my profile picture) and still supports me as their representative at City Hall I am very pleased with their support. You know where I stand and you know what you are getting. No one agrees on everything 100% of the time and some issues are more important to people than others. If the role was reversed I wouldnt support an Alderman candidate opposed to Yes on One, but thats me. I weigh that issue more than this person weighs my position on the ballot amendment. Okay, Im stopping I get accused of writing dissertations every time I do a status update.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 02:12:19 +0000

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