My sweet Loomis. I didnt want to let you go. Today I was driving - TopicsExpress


My sweet Loomis. I didnt want to let you go. Today I was driving home from the horses and I couldnt see your ears in my rear view mirror and I was so sad. I looked up at the sky and I saw a double rainbow stretching out across the world and I had to pull my car over because I couldnt see through my tears. Once upon a time, I found you on a dark November night. I had ridden so many horses that day and I was tired and home sick in my sixth month as a working student for Hilda Gurney. On my way home to Jodie Cressmans house, I came to the stop sign at Balcom Canyon and Stockton Road. Preparing to turn left like Id done so many times before, exhausted in the dark after a long hard day, this time, something made me pause. A silhouette. A dark pair of crooked ears. Shiny yellow eyes looking right at me from about a hundred yards away, straight on. Should I investigate? Or should I just go home? Im soooo tired. Drive straight.... Dont turn... Investigate. Oh, Loomis. Thank God that I drove straight. There you were. Looking at me like you werent sure what kind of creature I was, but you definitely wanted to know more. Apprehensive, but just curious enough for me to talk you into coming with me for a little ride... And what a ride it turned out to be... What a completely unexpected journey we found in one another. When I needed a friend more than ever before, you found me. When you needed someone -- of all the people, you found me. You found me. You gave me love, companionship, and fulfillment to a degree that few of this worlds creatures ever get to enjoy. Instead of ending up lonely and struggling to settle in to a new place away from my family, you took off like a bouncing rubber ball in my life and you pulled me right with you. And you made yourself some amazing friends along the way, like Robin Isaacson, Katie Stoy, Kim LaMonica, Lisa Warden, Josh Severn, Rachel Englund, Patrice Palmaer and countless, countless others. You continued to vibrate cheer and unconditional love throughout each of the 16 years you explored this earth. You loved adventure as much as I did, and you brought me pure joy every single day of your unusually long life. I will love you forever and I will always have you by my side and in my heart.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 10:07:51 +0000

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