My take on Abbottabad Commission Report I believe sovereignty - TopicsExpress


My take on Abbottabad Commission Report I believe sovereignty being a right of a country; it should not be undermined that it is more of a duty also. To what the Abbottabad Commission Report regarding Osama bin Laden’s assassination indicates, it entails evidences of “collective failure” of state, military and the intelligence authorities and routine incompetence at every level of civil governance structure of Pakistan. What happened in the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on May 2, 2011, no doubt it was the greatest of humiliations for the country after 1971. Here are some of my own views and perspectives regarding the issue. There is no skepticism and counter to this argument calling the United States of America as an “immoral and power stubborn-ed” country, I expect you to take these remarks of mine very lightly, because its common with every country, whether it be a capitalist or a socialist country, their main concern is always to gain that “powerful status” and you need “immorality as an essential element to sustain your power”. Let me clarify this statement of mine. If you look a bit into detail, there was no clear resolution passed by the UNSC to legalize the USAs invasion of Afghanistan, still they were technically occupying the country, bombing the hills and the villages of Afghanistan, killing hundreds of thousands of civilians in the name of terrorism. It was never a “that’s not my cup of tea” deal for USA to invade the territory of Pakistan. They can go anywhere and do anything, like in Iran when they brought down the Republic and made Shah the king, which was very much to protect their interest from subordination in the region. It’s a very simple phenomenon that you should abandon morality if you have to remain in power. But here we are not concerned with the “Great Democratic Country”, what we are concerned with here is, where Pakistan failed in protecting its sovereignty, its territorial integrity. Well, there are two things that happened, one the escape from detention by OBL and next the “act of war” by USA on the soil of Pakistan. The report highlights “dereliction of duty” of the state of Pakistan as a whole, a very simple reason to have let all these things happen. And here’s a new thing, It was also mentioned in the report that the Government of Pakistan at the first phase was in agree with the USA in terms of drone strikes, this is a shocking revelation. This is where I always say, the “visionary people” seating as the “special class” always believe, the “common people cannot envision” like they can and that is when they make it a doctrine, “the public opinion eludes the common interest”, but was that really the common interest? It also needs to be understood that Pakistan was never against “the war on terror”; in fact, the success of USAs mission in Afghanistan is much more because of Pakistan’s assistance also. And the country that paid the highest price on this war on terror was also Pakistan, with more than 4,000 soldiers and 35,000 civilians killed with innumerable of others injured and crippled for whole life. The same battle has also cost Pakistan much on its economy. All these things are mentioned clearly in many reports including this report itself. So, did Pakistan deserve that invasion after all what it had lost for the same purpose? I believe it’s not to put the blame upon anyone, call it RAW being responsible for whatsoever or USA in other instances, it’s the various institutions within the same country, it’s the same chosen leaders and others who have failed heavily in every means to protect what I mentioned in the first line, the sovereignty and the territorial integrity, which here I feel is the duty of the state. And now can we call the military, the government and the rest of the institutions immoral in this regard? Clearly, yes. They are no different than the USA or say other immoral ones whom we can very easily pick. And here the only difference and a very significant difference is this that, USAs immorality got it an increasing immigration each year, got a first rank as the world’s best country for earning more, and not to forget the address of the “Great Democratic Country” in the world. And now look where the former ones immorality got them, there is no indications of decrease in sectarian killings, there is no protection for the religious minorities even though the preamble of the constitution of Pakistan delivers much, the poor are getting poorer, corruption and many more. When you have institutions going arbitrarily, achieving something like a goal is a ludicrous assumption. The country now needs not to be shocked by the report; rather it needs to learn about the lacunas, the loop holes which the aliens can anytime use to rape the nation again, maybe tomorrow, the very next day.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 14:09:08 +0000

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