My take on fermented food........ Did you know that the best - TopicsExpress


My take on fermented food........ Did you know that the best way to protect your digestive health and your overall immunity and wellbeing may be an extremely humble food item? Inside your gut, there are 100 trillion micro-organisms, a highly evolved biome of bacteria and yeast that supports your immune system, protects it against infections, and produces vitamins and other nutrients. Unfortunately, not all of these microbes are the same. Certain bacteria are good, while others are harmful that cause auto-immune diseases and digestive ailments. Therefore, probiotics is a multi-billion industry that make supplements promising to re-produce gut flora and cure your digestive problems. These probiotic supplements contain billions of live acidophilus organisms which aren’t good enough to last through the expiration date. So, most of the probiotic in form of supplements cannot survive the prolong storage and shipping. They are long dead before they could reach your gut! Probiotics are also found in many countries in the form of fermented foods, such as onion, yogurt, kefir, and sauerkraut! According to the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse, approximately 60 to 70 million people suffer from a digestive disorder. Perhaps one reason for all the digestive complaints is that our typical diet no longer has fermented foods.East and Southeast Asians eat kimchi (fermented cabbage) and natto (fermented soy), while people from the Middle East like fermented pickles. The probiotic power of sauerkraut Sour cabbage – also known as sauerkraut – is used as a condiment. Commercial sauerkraut might be tasty, but they are not going to develop healthy gut flora as they are more processed. Properly fermented sauerkraut is more fresh, tangy, and crunchy. Also, lacto-fermented sauerkraut which is home-made is rich in enzymes, beneficial microbes and live lactobacilli. It is also rich in manganese, potassium, calcium, copper, iron, vitamins C, B, and K, fibre, folate and magnesium. Fermented sauerkraut is consumed in Europe as an effective ulcer treatment. As it contains S-Methylmethionine – vitamin U, a nutrient that is known to heal ulcers. It has a unique taste that doesn’t sit well with everyone’s taste buds. In that case, I recommend you to use other raw lacto-fermented vegetables, such as eggplant, cucumbers, pickles or yogurt in your diet in order to maintain your gut health. Syeda Kiran Zahra Hussain Certified Health Coach IIN,US. Certified Holistic Nutrition Therapist. SNHS,UK. https://facebook/kiranzahra786 holisticlivingbykiranzahra online consultation on: bssfls@gmail - See more at: magtheweekly/02-08aug2014/health_nutrition3.asp#sthash.f3xFKFkA.dpuf
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 13:42:25 +0000

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