My take on the Ray Rice fiasco: Now that the video clearly comes - TopicsExpress


My take on the Ray Rice fiasco: Now that the video clearly comes out and we see Ray beat his girlfriend, what the Baltimore Ravens did, as well as the National Football League, was too little, too late. Lets take a look at what would happen in law enforcement. It an officer was under investigation for possible domestic violence, that officer would be put on administrative leave pending the conclusion of the investigation. If the facts of the case have enough to hold up a facts sustained outcome, the individual would be relieved of duty. Why isnt this a practice in other arenas of employment? Costs involved? Or maybe we overlook wrongs of individuals if that individual has a specific worth deemed more important than others. Todays sports leagues would fear me as a commissioner. I would make Kennesaw Mountain Landis look like a thumb sucking kindergartener. All sports leagues are full of thugs, beaters, rapists, and other miscreants. We in America want to be entertained. We have a 15 minute attention span, and if we arent stimulated in that time span, we get bored, and move on. If I was Commissioner of the NFL, I would have placed Rice on administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation. And since we now see the video of him striking her, Rice would have been banned. Funny we make Pete Rose a leper, a pariah for gambling on his Cincinnati Reds to win when he was manager, but banned him from the Hall of Fame that recognizes his accomplishments as a player. That is asinine. I would have a zero tolerance policy. Mandatory random drug tests, mandatory criminal background checks on all players and staff, uniform policy to ban such players on first offense. I would institute a dress code and code of conduct. No more sloppy uniforms that look like poop filled pajamas, like in baseball now. Each and every player will be expected to be properly groomed, have a properly fitting, clean uniform, and present a professional appearance and demeanor. If they refuse, well, theyre out of here... The problem we have in society is we place these overpayed, million dollar prima donnas on an altar, that we blindly sacrifice our own beliefs and morals to attain their fame, fortune, or friendship. But the underlying cause is the publics ignorance in feeling good over rightful substance. Americans place sports before family and other personal obligations. Thats wrong, and we need to change that. And by allowing thuggish behavior to flourish in any part of society, it should be condemned, and dealt with swiftly. Instead of keeping up with Kardashians, trying to emulate hip hop housewives, or create alliances, we need to clean up our own miserable picayune lives first. Heres how to take back our lives: turn off the television. Thats it. Simple solution. So Ray Rice was the head of a festering hemorrhoid. But there is an underlying cancer that we as a society need to eradicate. Sure people make mistakes, and we love stories of redemption. But this whole ordeal goes deeper than Rice. This is a reflection of our society. A society of me, of ignorance, of blame shifting, or excuse making, of vanity. American culture needs an enema. It stinks to high heaven, and this constipation will cause an explosion that will cover each and everyone of us in bravo sierra...
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 10:09:03 +0000

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