My take on yesterdays sermon: Pastor Maria Seaman Nehemiah - TopicsExpress


My take on yesterdays sermon: Pastor Maria Seaman Nehemiah 11:1-3 (4-6) The Micro The walls are built and the word of God has been put forth as the foundation. The union address has been given. Yet there are still matters arising. The city is still in a mess; its a ghost town. The city becomes a beacon of light testifying for the rest of the country. 1. The Count 2. The Court 3. The Conflict 1. Verse 1- micro- extremely small. Jerusalem is the Holy place but the people dont want to live there. There is peace there: whenever you have peace the devil will bother you because you are on the right track. Let the enemy know he will have no place in your Jerusalem (peace). The enemy will do everything to keep you from Jerusalem (peace). Jerusalem is the capital- where the temple is. Satan wants to go after your Capitol. If prayer or whatever it is that causes you to know that you are in a mighty relationship with God he is after it. He wants your prayer to be mutated. You have to be careful when you get weary- you get vulnerable and makes it easy for devil to attack you. They have decided that 1/10 of each tribe must remain and live in Jerusalem. That means that if we are in church we are representing our families. If you handle Jerusalem right everything else will come together. Be careful of what you do in Jerusalem. No one is volunteering to stay in Jerusalem so they cast lots. It matters what happens in the Capitol it can bring a curse to the nation. It really does matter who you pick to be in charge of the city. Whoever is in charge can bless or curse the nation. You want a leader who can handle the pressure. Joel- Jehovah is God, Judah- Praise. If we can have praise and worshippers leading a nation a country God will bless the land. Psalms 100:4- entering the gates with thanksgiving-setting the atmosphere as you come in. When the gates have been restored we can give thanks! 2. It is spiritually illegal to come into Gods praise and not have a praise on our lips. This is concerning the way the courts of Gods house should be.berse14- men you can fight but you must also be able to fight. You must be able to build and block at the same time. The gates were attacked before therefore attention must be given to the gates. The devil knows the weakened areas. You must guard them against the vulnerable area. In the house of God there must be prayer, praise and protection. Verse 22- the Levites employed the sons Asaph (gatherer) to keep the music playing in the house of God. Musicians are important! There must be proper maintenance when it comes to the house of God. Sets up an atmosphere of gathering. When the house business is taken care of the city business is taken care of. 3. The king should be in charge of the peoples business however he was in the churchs business. The Levites and the priests had set up how the music should go in the house of God. Verse 24- the king steps in and says the singers should be paid over and above what they wouldve been given naturally by the Levites. Rather than rendering their services they rent them out. Remember Lucifer was the first chief musician who put himself above God. Hence, why some musicians would rather rent out rather than render their services to God. You cant put a value on souls being saved! If there is a breakdown in the music department there is a division. Verse 36- a special group of Levites had to be deployed to keep order because of the extra pressure on Judah. Any government that operates without the Levites will be in trouble. Unless we have God as the head of our lives we will not make it.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 09:42:15 +0000

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