My take to our economic liberation as follows,I wish to have all - TopicsExpress


My take to our economic liberation as follows,I wish to have all the powers to invite all African leaders to this group chat just to share with us their views;I will also follow on what Hon Thabo Mbeki and Brother leader Gadaffi disagreed on ,By saying it again in a South African way that all african countries can strive to use strong currency which will be equal to US dollars so that any market change we do can not make us loose at the end ,Take for instance we produce diamond here American company came with us dollars to buy our diamond from us and they market gain a lot from us and their currency become stronger than us .Processing of our own products as African countries also can strength to our African economy,Helping each other as African countries to grow relationship between us Africans than to let Europeans to isolate our African countries,Take an example of Zimbabwe for instance we can not allow our own brother country to isolated from us because of our friendship to Europeans.We need also to establish our African political schools where our children will be taught about our African history and our African economy not about European Supremance ,Like our current education makes our student to think that Europe is far better than Africa and we can not do anything without Europeans which is big lies,Civilization started from Africa in Egypt and Messopotamia before Europeans came in Africa to steal our creativity and Our God given talent,Stone age and bronze age started in Africa we are far better than Europe but we let them colonized our mindsets as Africans ,We let our counterparts to take advantage of our belovable mother Africa.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 05:45:50 +0000

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