My talk notes that I will be presenting at the Waitaha Fresh Water - TopicsExpress


My talk notes that I will be presenting at the Waitaha Fresh Water Forum and gathering in New Zealand October this year. Water: A global perspective - its divine nature and the way we use it; now and into the future. It is a true honour and a privilege to be here with The Waitaha, and all of you Earth stewards. Traditionally, all indigenous peoples of the Earth attach deep spiritual significance to water ecosystems. They know water to be sacred; the elemental source and symbol of life. For most indigenous peoples, even today, water is central to culture and identity; as well as livelihood, but the sacred nature and real value of water is poorly understood and largely ignored by city dwelling modern man:- the ‘consumers’ of the world that now make up 80% of the human population. Globally, many indigenous groups have identified water management and climate change as the most pressing environmental problems that they face; indeed, that we all face in the coming decade. Climate Change and global deforestation (the main cause of climate change) is the greatest threat to fresh water systems and reserves globally. It is not the people of the traditional indigenous cultures that have created this situation; it is the majority of modern westernized man, who have abandoned the traditional self-sufficient and sustainable ways. Water is a divine substance. It is most sacred. Liquid light. One of The Divine Creators three essential sustainers of all life; - Water, Air and Sunlight. For vibrant health, all life requires pure water, pure air and pure sunlight. The traditional wisdom keepers know this, but the generations of modern city dwellers;- the 80 % of humanity who get their water, full of chemicals, out of a tap, have never tasted pure water;- their children have never tasted pure water. Most of humanity today have never tasted pure water or washed in pure water and so they have not experienced pure waters pleasures or healing qualities. They know not of sacred waters divine nature, or its source. To them water is nothing more than another consumerable item;- barely palatable, a resource, a commodity. A global water crisis is looming. Planet Earth is drying out. Serious fresh water shortages are predicted globally within 12 -15 years. One third of the worlds’ largest and most important rivers are drying up. Following is a list of the top 20 global river systems that are drying up:- most of these rivers no longer flow all the way to the sea… In China – The Salween, Yellow and Yangtze Rivers are drying up. In Europe – the Danube In South America – La Plata River In North America – The Rio Grande and Colorado Rivers In India – The Ganges River In Pakistan – The Indus River In Africa – The Nile River and Lake Victoria In Australia – The Murray and Darling Rivers In South East Asia – The Mekong and Lancang Rivers In The Middle East – The Tigris, Euphrates and Jordan Rivers In Central Asia – up until 1970 Lake Ural was the fourth largest freshwater Sea in the world. Now it is only a few small lakes which continue to dry up. BUT WHERE IS THE WATER GOING? 70 % of all fresh water used by humanity is used for food and fibre production. The abandonment of traditional water efficient, self-sufficient, home grown food production by the suburban and urban city dwellers that now make up 80% of humanity, is sucking an increasing number of the world’s rivers, lakes and subterranean water reserves dry. Did you know that it takes – * approx. 8000 L of water to produce a pair of leather shoes *5000 L (that’s 5 tonnes ) of water to produce 1 kilo of cheese *10,000 L (10 tonnes) of water to produce ½ kilo of dried coffee This is mainly due to extremely inefficient and wasteful modern large scale monoculture farming methods. ‘Consumerism’ is literally sucking planet Earth’s rivers and lakes dry. Half of all the food produced on this planet is thrown away. This means that half of the fresh water used my mankind is being wasted. It is sucked out of the rivers, lakes and underground reserves and turned into food or other consumer items which are then transported away from the natural source and thrown away. The water tied up in these wasted foods evaporates and disappears. We need to change the ways we use and waste so much sacred, life giving water. The current global human population ( approx. 7.6 billion) is expected to double within 25 - 30 years; making the predicted global fresh water shortages much more widespread and severe. Bottled water is already more expensive than petrol. In many parts of the world wars over water are very likely to become more prevalent than wars over oil. Climate change is also causing Mother Earth to dry out. Indeed Climate change is by far the biggest single factor in global drought, shrinking fresh water reserves, and desertification in many parts of the world. But where is the water going? The massive hole in Earths protective ozone layer over the southern hemisphere which started increasing in size in the 1970’s is causing vast quantities of planet Earths evaporated water (humidity, atmospheric water) to escape into space. Very little is mentioned about this extremely serious problem. Many are they who have been led to believe that Global Warming will provide more than enough fresh water for humanities needs as the remaining glaciers and icecaps melt. Regarding this erroneous belief, there are three points that need to be considered - 1) Humanity (Homo sapiens) is just one species of life that relies on water for survival. I quote now from the book of Genesis from The Holy Torah – “And then the creator took man and put him into The garden of Eden;- to tend and keep it.’ As divinely ordained Earth stewards, it is humanities responsibility to ensure that there is always enough pure water for the rivers to flow, the lakes to be full and the animals and plants to flourish. 2) Most of the fresh water tied up in the polar caps and glaciers will go straight into the sea and become salt water. 3) What happens when it has all gone? - Obviously at best, this could only be a short term reprieve from the predicted global fresh water shortages. It is not a sustainable solution. But what is the single biggest cause of climate change and desertification? And what can we do to reverse this serious threat? Climate Change is not caused primarily by excessive carbon emissions or the great hole in the Ozone layer. They are the secondary causes. The primary cause (the root cause) of Global Climate Change and desertification is Global Deforestation. - It was the great forests that once covered most of planet Earth that kept the oxygen and carbon ratio’s balanced. - It is the trees that take carbon out of the atmosphere and turn it into cellulose, sugar and wood. - It was the great forests that once covered the Earth that balanced the extremes of temperatures, keeping the summers and winters mild – cooler in summer and milder in winter. - It was the great forests that once covered the Earth that stopped the sun and the dry winds from drying out the soils;- preventing desertification. - It was the great forests that once covered the Earth that harvested the atmospheric humidity and the mists and funnelled them down to the ground to become the streams, rivers and lakes, as well as forming rain clouds in the mountains. - It was the great forests that once covered planet Earth that captured atmospheric moisture and governed its distribution at ground level. And so the simplest, most practical, most moral and sustainable solution to reversing climate change, desertification and diminishing fresh water reserves is GLOBAL REFORESTATION. Global reforestation is the only sustainable and primary solution to Global Climate Change, rapidly diminishing global fresh water reserves and global desertification. Global reforestation is something that we can all engage in. We can all join local forest regeneration groups, plant more trees ourselves wherever we can or provide financial support to reforestation projects. Ultimately, globally, all cleared land not used for food production, housing or social necessities needs to be reforested. There are many other important ways in which we can all contribute to reversing the current problems- most notably: - *Stop consuming any products which are grown on clear felled tropical rainforest lands worldwide- , such as coffee, palm oil, palm sugar and soy beans. *Don’t buy more food than you will consume- don’t waste food. *Grow your own food using recycled household water *Install rainwater tanks *Reduce water usage wherever you can.. every drop of water you use is taken away from a natural source. *Every time you drink a glass of water, give thanks to it. … In this way our sacred relationship with water is honoured. It is time for the world consuming ways of modern urbanized man to change from ‘World Consuming’ to ‘World Healing.’ In this regard- A shift in our awareness, our hearts and our consciousness is all that is required. A quote from my recently published book, Manifesting Paradise- ‘Paradise was AND STILL IS the divine plan!’ Can there be paradise without abundant pure fresh water? No Can there be personal and environmental healing without abundant pure fresh water? No Can we remanifest the global paradise without a united future vision of an ideal world? No All of us need to start dreaming of a green and blue planet with strong flowing rivers and streams; - -Where the great sacred rivers of the world start flowing again, clean and strong, all the way to the sea once more. -A world of abundant pure water for all life -A world of peace and abundance. In finishing up, - this talk is in essence, a calling to the unnatural living, modern, city dwelling mankind who now make up 80% of the human population, to – * remember the old ways * to remember and honour our sacred relationship with water * to live sustainably * to live from the heart * to stop ‘consuming’ Mother Earth * to be the positive change you want to see in the world - …. for your children, and grandchildren, for Mother Earth and all her offspring. Copyright. Matali 2014
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 02:32:11 +0000

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