My testimony-my God who heals. In 1998 I suddenly felt my - TopicsExpress


My testimony-my God who heals. In 1998 I suddenly felt my knees shake and collapsed in the bathroom floor. I felt this excruciating pain that it felt like every muscle and nerve was starting to burn, even my hair felt like it was painful, and my stomach started to bloat. I was then rushed to the Silliman University Medical Center and there I knew I had 14 calcium stones in my kidney preventing me from urinating. Because of the pain it never crossed my mind that I was in the brink of death. My wife then a half-baked Christian knew of the danger and asked permission from my mom to let her pastor friend pray for me. My mom then who also saw the delicate situation consented and made a vow that if I would be healed she would attend the church services of the pastor. After the pastor and some of his fellow prayer warriors prayed I felt something or someone at the back of my head assuring me I would be healed. Two hours later I was shipped to Cebu and there they made a lot of tests and compared it with my lab results they could not find a single kidney stone. Praise God! When I got back to Dumaguete I started going to church driving my mom. After a month or so I found it so boring and stopped and went back to my crazy lifestyle. Good that my mom continued to fellowship together with my wife and kids. Six months later the wife of my brother who recently gave birth collapsed in her bedroom due to aneurysm. She was in a coma and was shipped to Cebu. I was then instructed by my father to follow to assess the situation and to give moral support. After consulting with specialist he told me there are two options first would be to operate so that my sister in law could live but said that she would be permanently comatose or in a vegetable like state being fed by resuscitator since the operation would traumatize the brain. Second would be not to operate and let her die eventually. So when I told my dad about the condition of my sister in law my dad felt so helpless and irritated and I could hear my mom’s voice in the background asking my dad to let her pastor pray for my sister in law. I could feel my dad was annoyed and made a challenge and said “ok call your pastor and if my sister in law will be healed I will attend your church also . And lo! 30 minutes after that statement from my dad my sister in law opened her eyes and asked for food because she was hungry. Three days later we were back in Dumaguete. I was so so..... happy that I did not have to drive my mom to church because now she had a permanent driver my dad. I witnessed the miracles of God yet I refused to view it that way. I was still engrossed in livin la vida loca. In 2001 my son Gene Tyrdee Duran III who was 2 months then was hospitalized because he couldnt breathe he would turn to blue then grey. After a lot of lab tests the doctors could not come to a concrete diagnosis. Second opinions, third, fourth and so on were asked and they all had different opinions some say it was rheumatic heart, others said it was the lungs or severe asthma. My son was confined for about 9 months, all sorts of medication were tested first up to fourth generation antibiotics were used to no effect, and even steroids were used in his tender age. The doctors would even advise us to go easy and not go over the prescribed dosage for it may lead to brain damage, but the steroids was the only drug that gave him a temporary relief so what happened was that he was given almost twice the prescribed dose. The time came when the doctors gave up on my son and told me there was nothing they could do anymore, all those I relied for finances gave up on him. Bills were piling up, sources for loans were non-existent. Only the will to fight was left and only then I realized that to fight was to surrender to the Mighty God I had long set aside. I called unto Him saying if you are real and you exist heal my son and I will serve you. Jeremiah 33:3 became my battle cry [ for it was the only verse I knew aside from John 3:16 ] that says Call unto me and I will answer thee and show thee great and mighty things which you have not yet known. Armed with His promise I brought my son home against the wishes of the doctors and I witnessed the rapid recovery of my son two weeks later, a little frail but he longer had this grasping for air episodes, I declared He was totally healed of this unknown disease. Up to this day 11 years ago it has never plagued him ever there was no side effect for the overdose of steroids. For this I give total credit to my Lord! Praise Jesus who saves and heals! I have witnessed and ministered to people who have been healed of all sorts of disease, even cancer my mom is a cancer survivor for already 8 years. Knowing that God is real. The one true God who heals and does the impossible has drastically changed my life. From an atheist to a Pastor is such a giant leap. I thank Jesus daily as he makes me new every day and the old has gone. The greatest miracle of healing God does to us is a changed life. To God be ALL glory honour and Praise. He is truly worthy!
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 03:32:29 +0000

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