My thanks goes to all Rumbek Youth Union in Sydney for their time - TopicsExpress


My thanks goes to all Rumbek Youth Union in Sydney for their time that they have given me to be the Chairman of Rumbek Youth Union for the last 2 years. I would also like to knowledged the senior youth members, start with Daniel Mabeny Bai , Matur Majing, Muoranyar Maker, Johnson C Malok, Manyher Makuendit, Mabor Maker Mabo,rPuourach Maker , Marial Mangar Majak, Maker Mangar Majak, Madit Maker Mabor. Maker DitMaluach and the young political activist as well the Chief of Strategy, Abel Sabit Mangar. Handing over Speech of Rumbek Youth Union, on the 29th of March, 2014, John Magang Chol, Chairperson of Rumbek Youth Association in Australia, Sydney.(NSW)   Ladies and gentlemen; Welcome to our Final Unversal General Assembly of Rumbek Youth Association in NSW. It is an honour to my extend my warmly welcoming to the executives of Rumbek Youth and all the members of the Association who have attended this meeting.   We are very extremely happy for the chance that you had given us to lead you for the last two years. As an elected leader of Rumbek Youth, I,m pleased and proud by sharing knowledge and experiences, without your supports we would have not come to this end. Our youth and community members had worked hard to overcome those changes that had faced us at this current position.   In common sense, Rumbek youth Association was mainly formed in aspect of monitoring, organising and educating ourselves. In our term, we had focused in developing young people and encourage unity among youth themselves and community in general. In my leadership we have worked hard in all capacities to strengthened youth both Boys and Girls to achieve their goals in our community, for example, unity, peace, respect and sharing of ideas.   I would aslo like to take this opportunity to thank you for your efforts that you had managed for our everyday activities , which we held over the past two years. You had been very supportive and dedicated to our office and this made us to be active over those periods we were bee through. The spirit of cooperation that we have seen from all the members of Rumbek Youth has promoted me to ask you and give a quick account of our achievements collectively and individually.   Since previous office was dissolved , we have tried much in order to maintain unity, we had organising the ongoing communications with youth representatives inside and outside of Australia. Under my leadership, we had succeeded in achieving unity and as it is shown in major activities and other social gatherings which individual had fully participated such as cultural days. These give youth office recognition and credit in our community and outside level. Both boys and girls are constructively supported and strengthen us to be one body and struggle to exceed our expectations as youth.   Today is the day of reminding one another to know our achievements and the pending issues that are facing our community, especially the youth members. It is very important for all of us to fully involved respectively without folly attitudes towards ourselves in our community. Building youth in our society for better future is a task that needs resilience and forgiveness.   As we all known, our generation has much work ahead of them to do back home and here as well to where we are currently residing. Our community were been known entirely across in Southern Sudan at large but now we have become last. It is very responsibility of each member of this great community themselves and to concentrate in developing youth. As office bearers and sometime soon becomes formers, we had seen characters of youth in this association. They had played a very vital role and we have to appreciate their tasks.     Apparently, without cooperation and compromise, we would have not accomplishes and improved our situation which we currently residing in NSW. It is necessary to be guided by the spirit of empathy and goals.   Brothers and sisters of Rumek Youth, we must need to change our attitudes towards ourselves whilst vision and strategy to face our challenges in protecting our values and rescue our name of Agaar that flowing above from an ineffectual members.       Our Achievements   Since we were elected , our leadership was been together with youth and members had been engaged in Rumbek community activities, such as South Sudan community activities those including Independent day of South Sudan cultural day celebrations.   We have been effectively awarded a certificate of appreciation as an acknowledgement of our participations and great roles we play in the community. We have opened the Rumbek Youth Association Bank Account and to where all the money of Rumbek Youth Association to be kept. We have attended Rumbek community cultural day on the 9th of April, 2012, with some of Rumbek members, where we was got very heavy fined due to over speeding and some of us has lost their licences, especially, I Magang Chol Mathei. We have registered Tax File Number: 913305467, for our association because we won,t be able to get funding with ABN and Tax File Number. Our Association got the funding for the first time compare with the last previous former offices We have organised Rumbek Youth Day for the first time which haven,t been done before. We have invited all youth members from difference states to come and join together to celebrated with us as a way forward to unity of Rumbek youth Association. The office had consistently worked well to draft the constitution which was not fully documented to be the constitution. Our office was well coordinated to met with the Federal government MPS. We have met with Hon, Julie Owen as federal Member of Parliament for Parliament to discuss on how our Association should be help. We also met with the Federal Minister former Treasurer Chris Bowen and the Minister of Home Affairs and Justice , Jayson Clare. We had strongly built foreign relations with our neighbours, such south Sudanese youth and now we regarded popularly and well known by everyone in all corners of our society in wide Australia. Basically we have tremendously participated in most of our communities interests and remained as a role model executives and members of our community which majority are excited for our term. Therefore , I would like the incoming office to do the same commitments we had been through in our society. Importantly, a every member of this Rumbek youth association should acknowledge and embrace the fact that harmonious living is pivotal especially when we all came from a country where conflicts had been prevailed for over last two decades is inevitable. Furthermore, unity of Agar themselves is paramount in history which future development is no longer an interest for youth but remain royal to older generations only. Currently, we have vital roles to play in helping our community and young people generations because those who have some ambitious interests in development of Rumbek youth should well preapare. The maintenance of this office is a responsibility of all members of Rumbek youth. In Westen countries, financial burden is not something relying on executive,s pockets contribution to facililate activities for organisations. Since we were elected to lead Rumbek Youth association, we have tried our level best to cater Rumbek youth , we have managed to do little but majority of youth members were reltuctant to contribute their shares. Rumbek youth members should primarily work together in collecting money to conduct social events or activities as annual Chrismas Eve and New Year parties. The incoming office should consider oragnising conferences to enagage young people in training in our society to pick up the sskills. The new office shall focus on publicity tactics and harness commitment to encourage youth for the better future in Australia and hopefully to go back home to build Rumbek. This association is assisting number of youth and it could be kept because it is a better forum for all genders in our community to learn and know their abilities. To conclude my speech As traditionl owners of Agaar, we abide to share ideas and opinions for the sake of social structure to sustain youth and legacy of our generation. Thank you all. May God bless Agar youth and community in general.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 11:08:42 +0000

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