My thanks to Ronnie Stekel Tisha B’Av Josephus writes that - TopicsExpress


My thanks to Ronnie Stekel Tisha B’Av Josephus writes that even when Jerusalem was surrounded by the Romans the different Jewish groups were fighting each other and burning each other’s stores of food. The Gemorrah in Yoma 9b concludes that the Second Temple was destroyed because of baseless hatred among the Jewish people. It is a cancer that eats away at everyone infected by it. We are now in the Nine Days approaching Tisha B’Av and once again we find ourselves confronted by a relentless foe determined to bring about our destruction. Over 2,500 rockets have been fired out of Gaza by Hamas into Israel. They are fired indiscriminately with no concern who is hit. The extent and number of tunnels dug by Hamas to enable terrorists to enter Israel, murder families in their homes, and to take hostages back to Gaza are increasingly coming to light, and being destroyed. With thanks to God their intentions have been frustrated and their plans have been thwarted. With the history of the Shoah in their minds and aware of the potential terrifying consequences of doing nothing our Government has martialled our troops to eradicate the dangers that confront us. In a spirit of tearful distress we see the pictures of brave soldiers who gave their lives to protect the Jewish people. They were among our finest and bravest and were proud members of an army that has a moral code second to none. An army that has confronted an enemy that has no concern even for its own civilians and will sacrifice them to advance its own aims and besmirch Israel. We mourn with our soldiers’ families and share their losses, for we are all one family. They are so profoundly cherished. At a funeral last week of a lone soldier 20,000 people attended. We are all bereaved. The baseless hatred among Jews, seen too often in the past, has evaporated. On this occasion the people of Israel and the political parties have come together. Polls show that almost 95% of the country supports the Government. Opposition parties confront foreign news journalists and also confirm their support. There is a tide of love and concern for our soldiers that is sweeping the country. In our building three women have been baking biscuits. Around the country others are doing the same. They’re not for us; they’re for the soldiers down south and there’s a distribution system that ensures that they get to their destination the same day. These soldiers are men and women who are putting their lives on the line, not for glory, but to protect us, to keep us safe. There’s no shortage of biscuits in Israel, the supermarkets are full of them. But this is not just about biscuits; it’s much more than that. These are homemade biscuits, normally made for family and friends. Now they are being made for people we are concerned for. The bakers may not know which individual will get a particular bag, but it doesn’t matter. They are all either, our sons or daughters, or those of our friends’ or our neighbours and we care for them all and the bakers want them to know it. There are individuals and groups around the country all doing something for our soldiers. They are all doing something that may make things a little easier but most important because they want our soldiers to know that they are loved and appreciated. May God care for and protect them. May they return home to their families soon, having successfully completed their missions. May the tears this Tisha b’Av be speedily wiped away and this day become a day of celebration
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 02:19:30 +0000

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