My theme of the day—TEACH YOUR CHILDREN WELL, reminded me of a - TopicsExpress


My theme of the day—TEACH YOUR CHILDREN WELL, reminded me of a story that I will share with you: My dear son, Nicholas, was 4 years old and had been invited to the birthday party of the son of one of my work friends. Nicholas had never met my friends son, but he considered what a boy turning 5 would want and had me take him to the bookstore. He selected a dinosaur book and a wooden model of a T-Rex like the one his Grandpa Jack had given him. Very pleased with his choice of gift, we wrapped them up and he signed the card hed selected Nick and off we went to Arlington to the birthday boys party. The prospects of meeting new friends was exciting to Nicholas and this home birthday party was overflowing with a plethora of little people, (probably every kid of every person the birthday boys mom had ever met) and Nicholas and his gift were a bit overlooked among the happenings of the day. After the massive number of gifts were opened, the 5 year old celebrant requested that everyone go home so that he could play with his new toys. He even individually informed them that it was time for them to leave. Time to go. Back in the car as we were driving off, Nicholas gobsmacked me by saying that kid didnt want a new friend, didnt care about my gift and wanted everyone to go home. I guess when you turn 5, you lose your manners. The kind of observation that Nicholas made was way beyond his years, and honestly I believe his kindness is innate because hes been very aware of the feelings of others since he was a tiny tyke. To me manners and respect are the most important lessons in life. Fortunately for me, Nicholas was a quick study. Now, he needs to teach me some. ;-D P.S. Nicholas never saw the birthday boy again. P.S.S. Nicholas retained his manners when he turned 5.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 00:43:04 +0000

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