My theory of why Bob broke up Guided By Voices Bob is an artist, - TopicsExpress


My theory of why Bob broke up Guided By Voices Bob is an artist, he is constantly writing and recording songs. Some of these are recorded as Guided By Voices, solo and any number of side projects, the most recent being Teenage Guitar and Circus Devils. But when GBV would perform live, almost half of the songs would be Guided By Voices songs from about 20 years ago. There are so many great songs on his solo albums, but none of them are performed live, same with his Circus Devils output. Sure I love the old songs, thats what got me into GBV in the first place. but its got to be a drag, to sing these songs over and over, knowing that if he doesnt it would upset some fans. Maybe thats why Bob gets totally blasted, thinking that he might as well get wasted, knowing he could do those songs in his sleep. If this is why he ended the band, I could totally understand. What I would do is start another band, one that could perform his solo stuff, Circus Devils and maybe a few more recent GBV tunes. Look at Paul McCartney, he has to perform Beatles songs and his Wings music and when he plays what few songs he does from his most recent album, everyone takes a bathroom break. Not that it was that way for Bob, but Bobs solo albums are better than anything McCartney has come up with in decades, and GBV hasnt performed a single song from his recent solo albums. On the Do The Collapse tour, the band performed songs from all of Bobs solo albums and even stuff from Lexo and the Leapers, along with Do The Collapse and a few classics. The reunited Guided By Voices made six great albums, personally I would prefer if they performed them live with a handful of classics. I dont want to think of GBV as an oldies band, Bob is still at the top of his game as a song writer. After GBV broke up in 2004 and before the classic line-up reunited, Bob recorded some great stuff, some of his best stuff and I dont think its going to be any different now. I hear some people say here that they need another band to obsess on. Do you really think you can find another songwriter like Robert Pollard? you are only setting yourself up for disappointment. Nothing will change for me, I will still be here, obsessing and waiting for each new recording Bob releases, no matter what name he releases it as. All I have to say is, In Bob I Trust.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 06:09:18 +0000

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