My thought for day; ‘Subliminal Programming’ I remember a - TopicsExpress


My thought for day; ‘Subliminal Programming’ I remember a time when the Christian community was up in arms about the ‘supposed’ subliminal messages being inserted into music; satanic messages that could only be heard if they were played backwards. (Now; according to some, the new cartoon ‘Frozen’ has the ability to turn our children gay.) Seriously? I have heard a lot of stupid in my life but it is reaching levels of Idiocracy I never expected to see. Hell; drones aren’t just pilot-less aircraft; people can be programmed to become just as dangerous to our national well-being by being systematically fed lies and Mis-information. These same people today are living in such fear of the devil they will burn books like Harry Potter because the author’s imagination has dreamed up magic powers for her characters (which by the way don’t exist except in her imagination.) It seems they feel the power of the devil is much stronger than the God that they profess. I personally won’t waste a moment of my time worrying about imaginary enemies when there are so many that are really a threat to mankind. These gullible minds are now addicted to Fox News, Robinson, Rush and Beck, where the fears are fed on a daily basis. The subliminal messages have become an art form in physiological mind control. (Hey dudes; they aren’t even inserting the messages backwards to control people’s minds; it’s right up-front these days; doesn’t that scare you just a bit?) Why, there is always a patriotic symbol in the background and its viewers are exposed to the words ‘Fair and Balanced’ at least once every fifteen minutes. As the flag waves and the ‘ticker-tape’ of urgency scrolls across the bottom of the screen alerting to you to liberal dangers; they have an entire list of words they manage to weave into their broadcasts daily to cement the message that ‘They’ are the only ones who can be trusted; Constitution, God, the Flag, Family Values, Patriotism, Conservative, Socialism, etc. It’s a subliminal arsenal that is the culmination of years of advertising expertise. The corporations have found the perfect means to protect their interests by assuring their listeners lean to the ‘right’ on every issue. They throw out a bone of contention at least once a month that is soon parroted on every right-wing site and it keeps the people at each other’s throats instead of standing side by side to fight the corruption of those who are buying our nation lock-stock-and-barrel. And people buy the kool-aid they are selling...Benghazi!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 20:03:17 +0000

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