My thought for the day; ‘Wasted Days and Wasted Lives’ There - TopicsExpress


My thought for the day; ‘Wasted Days and Wasted Lives’ There is an older couple that lives across the street who are both in declining health; they can barely take care of themselves let alone each other. They have one son left who comes to help when he can… but he’s not a doctor. An ambulance has just left their house once again. They have been there at least once a month since last fall. Just recently they were both in a nursing home for a period of time but they had gone beyond the max their insurance would cover and they couldn’t stay there any longer unless they could come up with 120.00 a week for each of them. So ‘adios amigos; see you again sometime’…and they were released to go home, even though they were in no condition to take care of themselves. You want to know what I think is sinful? It is sinful that in this country we seem to be developing such a depth of callousness to the pain and suffering of others. We have the money to lob bombs and missiles all over creation and the money to subsidize the giant corporate interests but we never seem to have enough money to take care of each other…And people are willing to have it so. They even fight any attempt to change it. How is it possible that we seem to forget that the pain and suffering around us is preventable to a great extent? Or that all people…even the elderly and infirm feel things to the very same degree we ourselves would. Are people so selfish that as long as their needs are met they don’t want to share the benefit; maybe it is fear of losing their own? Or pride that somehow makes them feel they are more deserving of care? The truth of the matter is that people all around the country are in the same straits as my neighbors while many of our wealthiest citizens keep their money stashed in offshore accounts; many of our corporations rake in billions in profits while paying zero taxes; our government officials work pretty much part-time; if you can call accomplishing little of value, work. 40 times this year they wasted days of time at the taxpayer expense in the sheer attempt to make certain that millions of people would be unable to get the help they need by trying to defeat The Affordable Care Act…FORTY! (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40) How much money do you suppose these people made during all those hours and days while they sat there in their plush offices just spinning their wheels without ever even shifting out of neutral? What does it take before we are mad enough to fire their asses??? They have truly taken to heart the old adage; ‘If at first you don’t succeed, try; try again.’ And all the while they are wasting time covering the same old ground…nothing else of value gets accomplished…Except perhaps fundraiser dinners and photo opportunities. We all know how valuable those opportunities are today! Those responsible are wasting not just their own time…they are wasting OUR time. And our lives and families hang in the balance; as well as the honor of our country. Shame on every man and women involved in perpetrating this fiasco upon the American people! How can you even hold your head up and look any one of us in the eye? Never has there been a body of Representatives with less back-bone and integrity than those who have failed the American people to such a degree as we see today. There is an old woman on her way to the hospital right now who is suffering in ways you cannot even imagine; while you play your Washington games and congratulate yourselves for the success you have attained. While you cater to the elite; the people perish. You defend the corporate interests; while each victory you gain causes suffering to the entire nation. Smile for the camera and shake hands with all the empty suits you meet but you know what? It’s all empty; this supposed success of yours; it’s an illusion…or a delusion. With all you’ve gained you have done nothing to benefit your fellow man; you’ve hid behind your position and you will depart from the world leaving nothing of value behind you. How does it feel to be the beneficiaries of the pieces of the broken lives of those you left in your wake? You have nothing to be proud of…to take wages for doing nothing is a form of theft. But you know what? It’s never too late to see yourself for who you’ve really become…there’s still time to change the road you’re on.
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 17:29:36 +0000

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