My thought on a possible solution to the never-ending Israeli - TopicsExpress


My thought on a possible solution to the never-ending Israeli Palestine conflict: 1] Make Palestine a country. 2] Make Israel a state of the US. 3] Make Jerusalem a regional district equally shared 1/3 each muslim, christian & jewish. My theory is based on ending an unending conflict of human intraspecies conflict on the planet [Human against Human]. 1] By making Palestine a country, you make them independent and not occupied by another power. Occupied land or sub par governance is problematic as they cant function on their own and cant focus on being a productive and prosperous contributor of the world as they have to awnser to their occupier or can not fully govern their own. Instead and unfortunately time is spent on counter productive and destructive causes that make everything simply worse. If Palestine is its own country, it will focus on its production, interests and resources as a developing and growing nation to call its own. 2] By making Israel a state, you insure that Israel has the federal government to awnser to for any action. This seems to make sense to me because Israel is already supported like any other state in the US yet its not a state or a territory like Texas, California, Hawaii, Alaska etc, or Guam, Philippines, Porto Rico, ext. Now some of these places are no longer US terrain but once were and have become fully independent. The only way Israel makes sense being a country is if they are fully an in depended nation not dependent on tax payer aid like other states whom in the US are. All states have aid paid for by tax payer dollars and this includes Israel, so why not make Israel the 51st state of the US? By doing so makes them accountable to the US and ultimately the UN. The same applies for Palestine being a country. To be a nation of their own comes great respect and responsibility as an international representative of the world and Palestine would be equally accountable to the UN as a fully recognized nation the same as the US. 3] By making Jerusalem a regional district representative of the region could be modeled similar to Washington DC. They would act like a house and congress with equal responsibility shared by the Muslims, Christians and Jews whom all have a great presence in the middle east. They would act on behalf of all the affairs of the region and help create solutions to short and long term regional issues and challenges and help each equilaterally in unison to focus on creative development for a better future regionally and abroad. Because Jerusalem is equilateral between the three abrahamic faiths, they all have a vote and an equal stake in any agenda agreed upon as a whole. Why do I believe this is important? Because the current system does not work historically and likely wont into the future based on historical and ongoing current account. It has been an out of balance breeding ground of hatred, violence and resentment between everyone involved on all sides that has devolved into the worlds boxing ring while everyone just watches through the media. If it does not work, it should be improved upon but for crying out loud dont leave something broken, broken. Its not fair to the people on all sides that have to deal with living in that horror everyday.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 15:48:18 +0000

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