My thought on open carry...WORTH THE 4 MINUTES OF YOUR TIME A - TopicsExpress


My thought on open carry...WORTH THE 4 MINUTES OF YOUR TIME A pistol on the hip....fine, your choice. Would I do it? Absolutely not Walking around the neighborhood or place crowded with close minded liberals and the uneducated with a shotgun, AR, AK, or other scary or assault style weapon...COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY STUPID. Before you lousy couch commandos get butt hurt over this issue, remember that this is my personal opinion. I will elaborate. I am about as MURICA! as they come and I love my country along with its constitution. The right to bear arms is there and you are well within your right to carry your weapon freely without being detained and/harassed. Now, lets ask why? Open carrying make you a target and if I was a criminal, robber, killer who was smarter than you by concealing my weapon, Id kill you first. Its are the only known person within sight who could stop me. Not only are you dead but so is everybody else and the place gets ransacked. The next issue is the liberal, close minded, gun hating buffoons of the world and those who arent educated on the idea of a firearm. Two separate people, both guaranteed to cause a scene. Why bait these people for a publicity stunt. Your gun does not make them feel safe, they already hate guns as it is. Granted there are a small few who appreciate the idea and thank you for patrolling but lets be honest....more people are terrified and you are doing more harm than good. You are not helping the cause by informing people of their rights because they are obviously more concerned with that big scary black thing you are carrying around. You want to help, hold seminars or classes.....something that actually helps. Now onto why conceal carry is smarter and less of a burden on society. I am standing in line at mcdonalds....guy walks in also concealing a weapon with malicious intent. tells everybody to get on the ground and pulls out a weapon threatening the establishment....I get on the ground and wait for the right moment to place two well aimed shots center mass and a final shot to cranial mass while he is turned away. I LIVE, THE PLACE DOESNT GET RANSACKED, ETC. Dont come at me with the stupid idea that, oh well there is a guy with a gun in there I wont try and rob that place No you are very wrong....he will simply remove the threat which is the open carry idiot and then proceed to carry out his foolish plans. you wonder why gun owners are hated, its because idiots go grocery shopping with ak47s or ragged clothed morons go to restaurants with their rifles to prove a point....I am 100% positive most of them couldnt shoot anyway. Get it together people.
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 17:07:34 +0000

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