My thoughts ... Of all the tales told to mankind, many - TopicsExpress


My thoughts ... Of all the tales told to mankind, many man-made ideas become staples found in sociology, art, philosophy, religion and folklore. The basis for these beliefs are only apparent through word of mouth, passed on to the next generation, with no other proof. Many beliefs are then added to by the next generations who continue the education, sometimes manipulating the facts further, shading the quality of facts, while those they teach are none the wiser. They take their beliefs and use them to see the world, in turn shaping the rest of the world into conformity to them everyone must see the world as they do, live in the world as they do, thus expanding into other areas with the intentions of domination and conquering others into submission becomes priority. People will go to extremes, will endure hostile treatments and environmental exposure to the point of detriment, injury and even risk/give their lives based on what they are told to believe. Some followers will even ask for treatments to supposedly set them back on the right path - that being in line with the teaching. They believe that they can prove their beliefs by what they say or do, rather than through valid proof. They speak a language akin to their order or belief system. Their minds and perspectives are changed drastically in how they see things, remember things, what they believe and this influences how they live. Anything different to them is wrong, no matter what proof or evidence may be presented to them. Only written words that support their beliefs are supported, all else are forsaken. Symbols and moments of inspiration are given status as revolutionary or signs of their power being the true form, gaining power and strength, receiving blessings, and even invincibility. Those with a different set of beliefs will be a pebble in their shoe, an aggravation, a force to fight against to prove they are wrong or are silenced (eg. torture, psychological re-education and death). Some end up turning the differing view into something considered wrong, black, disgusting, pagan, unholy and will take measures to wipe the population(s) out no matter the cost (eg. war, holocaust, crusade). Hatred and sides are then taken between family, friends and neighbours. Others seeking power use the vulnerability of such opportunities to their advantage sometimes leading to more bloodshed, hostility and separation/splinter groups. Defiance is silenced or extinguished. Jeopardy of loss of beliefs and powerful influence take priority over lives, some suffering shunning, rejection, rumour and.or the ultimate penalty of death to keep their differing views quiet. Hidden or secret orders for those in seats of power or control are created, in which no commoner is included. Artefacts, beliefs, changes in beliefs, new ideas and thoughts are introduced and trumped up/drafted into pieces that will be presented to their followers. Dark secrets regarding wars and genocide are made in these groups and are carried out under cloak and where all evidence is then destroyed or hidden, all with a purpose to protect those in power and keep them there. Some who are open to learning new views and are searching for knowledge or truth, also end up in jeopardy from the loyal believers, thus they research or ask questions discreetly or back down quickly when a threat is presented as they are usually in positions of submission or are fearful of those in power. The believers who learn their beliefs are incorrect would rather suffer death than answer for what they have done wrong or admit they were wrong. The stubborn view persists even to the end. Even if found wrong, many retain their positions of power or gain further reverence in their order or over their people, are forgiven or given titles to remember them in history, unlike those they condemn as being wrong (double standard). There is the constant belief that they will find the ultimate proof or answer that their beliefs are correct and are not to be questioned, to the point of obsession, while keeping others subjected or oppressed in case they are beaten to this.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 01:11:47 +0000

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