My thoughts of 3.5, for anyone who cares. This will probably be - TopicsExpress


My thoughts of 3.5, for anyone who cares. This will probably be long so expect tons of paragraphs. Although Ill spend most of the time pointing out a main issue with the design philosophy the PMDT used, let me just make it clear that I think 3.5 is absolutely amazing and the Dev Team deserves mad props for all of the hard work theyve done. It really feels like a stand-alone game. My criticisms are purely for feedback and constructive critiquing, Im not just trying to rant or vent (I have no reason to anyway, Im 99% happy with this game). That being said, here we go. In-General: - I love the feel of the game. Everything seems smoother and the game feels slightly faster movement-wise. Feels closer to Melee, but still feels like its own game. - The new menus are awesome, Im loving the new designs. Kudos to the Dev Team. - I actually like Metal Cavern now. Never thought Id say that. Oh, and the remade stages are freakin amazing. - All Star mode is the best thing since sliced bread. - Floaties are slightly easier to combo, or is that just me? - Good to see no more ridiculous recoveries. It was great seeing everyone because more strategic and creative with they way they recover. The DT nailed this mission goal. Character Design/Roster: - I feel that its the most balanced roster weve had yet. The top-tiers have been appropriately nerfed, and a lot of jank that certain characters relied on have been dealt with in order to encourage more thought and skill on the players part (Sonic, among others). Every character seems 10x closer to one another in terms of viability. - Well, other than Fox. Fox is once again top-dog and will probably never get touched (in any significant way) because the Dev Team is AFRAID to touch Melees beloved space animal. Theyre way too scared of the backlash they would get from the Melee community. He was already winning 3.0 the top tier chars have been drastically brought down to normality..........what does that mean for Fox? I dont mean any disrespect to the PMDT, I love you guys, but thats just the darn truth. - Anyway, despite that I think the roster is hella balanced for the most part, one thing irks me: Some changes were made just for the sake of changes. I feel like the Dev Team FORCEFULLY made changes to certain characters just so they can say that they did so. Wolf, for instance, got a whole bunch of random frames added to the endlag of various moves. Why? Was something wrong with Wolf? Who was complaining about him? There were some characters in this game who only needed 2-3 tweaks, (not even buffs or nerfs, but tweaks), but the DT decided to alter aspects that were completely fine just for the hell of it. - The PMDT seems to have FIXES, mixed up with buffs. Yes, technically, a fix could be looked at as a buff considering the simple fact that a fix makes a character better, but heres the thing: If something got FIXED, that means that previously, it was BAD or not functioning properly. Therefor, *fixed* issues do not need parallel nerfs in order to try to balance them, cause those issues were holding the character back in the first place - they were never fine. Ganons hover is a buff, because it is not a fix of anything, its just icing on the cake. Zeros Suits UpSmash connecting properly with its hitboxes now was not a buff, it was a fix, so the DT didnt have to reduce the size of the attack (not that big of a deal, just an example) in order to balance that out. The problem that this creates, is that now lower-tiered characters have remained in their spots, or gone even lower, because for every FIX, they received an unwarranted nerf. But when you FIX something, you are bringing it to NORMALITY. A character should not be for having a move *corrected*. - Some things that were straight-fine, were tampered with for no reason. Conclusion: Just so nobodys confused, 3.5 has done TONS more good then bad. Again, I know I spent more time on my critique, but thats only because I feel that its a really significant problem that I dont think should get overlooked. Realizing what is a buff and what is a fix is EXTREMELY important, and tampering with things just for the sake of it can lead to damaging results. But the added game modes and content is incredible, the engine has been tightened up, and crutch mechanics that certain characters had have been removed. This update was almost perfect. I am thoroughly enjoying 3.5 and its better than 3.0 in every way. Truly incredible work here. (P.S.: ZSSs throw angles and endlag are pretty bad, y u do dis? Back Room pls phix.)
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 14:34:00 +0000

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