My thoughts on Bo and the skers. Please excuse the typos as it was - TopicsExpress


My thoughts on Bo and the skers. Please excuse the typos as it was written on my iphone. Its a lengthy read, but theres some rambling, most of it coherent I think.... Fire Bo. I remember 2003 when we let go of a coach who had a 9 win coach (10 if you include his teams bowl win) the years following sure proved fruitful. I dont know who people think wed bring in. We have a fan base who demands near perfection. We’re gonna pull Urban Meyer away? No. And I’m not sold he’ll stay there long, history sure hasn’t proven he will. Bo has had 9 or 10 wins in 5 straight years. Thats not bad football. We have good guys playing for us. Im talking good guys who generally stay out of trouble and love playing for their coach. They love playing for him because he has their back. Im as big of a Husker fan as you can find. I wear my Husker gear proudly in the state of Texas. But I think we can all admit that we are a little crazy sometimes. We dont have a pro team to root for in football. Or basketball. Or hockey. Or baseball. Or soccer (for all the soccer fans out there). We have Husker football. And we love it. I love it. But to expect perfection, or dang close is too much. We have 18 and 19 year olds playing out there. They have school, lives, etc to worry about as well as a whole state critiquing their every play. Theres gonna be some good plays. Theres gonna be some bad plays. Theres gonna be some good years. Theres gonna be some down years (again, most programs would be happy with 9 wins). How many of us like working when 50,000+ jump our every move we make. When they berate us. When the media writes negative things daily. I sure as heck dont like it when people do that at my work. Oh wait... And I sure have never vented or spouted back or been so frustrated Ive wanted to throw something at work because of something going so wrong when its out of my teams control. Oh wait, I have gotten mad at work. I think most of us have been frustrated, angry, heated, etc at work. I bet most of us have left a word or two slip. Id say some people have probably thrown things at work. His job is essentially judged by millions of people on 3 hours of exposure every week. Football is intense anyone who has played knows that. It’s a little different than building buildings, teaching, working at a bank, selling something or another, etc. Most of our jobs aren’t scrutinized as much or as high stress and quite frankly I’m not sure we can relate. I’m not saying he’s perfect, but I don’t know that we can all say we wouldn’t get fired up out there, heck we’re the ones getting fired up now. I get that hes paid millions and expected to have a cool calm demeanor. But when Tom started (before my time I know, but Ive read a lot) we said he couldnt win the big one. We said he was too stoic on the sideline. He wouldnt show emotion. Now Bo shows too much. And yea I think he needs to be less reactionary and reign it in some but who wants to play for a guy who doesnt get heated and fight for you. Id much rather play for a guy whos backing you in your corner. 55-16-2 & 56-24. Two records that don’t look too much different. Tom went 55-16-2 through 6 years. Bo is 56-24 with one more game left in his sixth year. We are looking at a .750 winning percentage and a .700 winning percentage. Good football by both. Neither is where Alabama has been last couple years though. We probably should’ve fired Tom back after the ’78 season. What idiots we were back then. Okay, so Bo may never win the big one, but after a short sample where he’s had some good wins (some bad losses too, but c’mon offenses are different as a whole now, that’ll happen) and I don’t think we can say he can’t get some wins. We’ve played some good teams. And yea we have had some rough games. But we’ve had some good games too. Who is the hottest QB in the NFL right now? Nick Foles. We shut down a good Arizona team led by Nick Foles. Also in the mix in the Bo era has been Alshon Jeffrey, Demarco Murray, RGIII, Von Miller, CJ Spiller, Dez Bryant. We’ve played some top notch players, capable of putting up huge games. Oh and Im tired of the media bringing up what Bo said about Tommy. Tommy had a good run at Nebraska. But his run was only good because Berringer could step in when he was hurt to keep the wins coming. Nonetheless Tommy was a great Husker QB. But what has he done since. Im sorry but I dont value his opinion anymore and good for Bo for saying back our program or shut up. And the whole post game USC comments. Those can die too. Osborne (our football god) knew about them and addressed it. That should suffice for us. Besides the fact that many reporters have said dozens of high profile coaches have vented similarly off the record. How can we not cut Bo and the team some slack this year? Injuries have plagued us. We lose Spencer Long (all American) on a line coached by Barney Cotton, enough said. And we lose Taylor Martinez. Say what you want, he wouldve made our season better. When he got hurt against UCLA our season changed. We were looking like a darn good squad that first quarter and half. Then he went down. I know injuries happen and you want depth but losing an All American and your schools all time offense leader should account for something. We had some really good defenses a couple years back. There also was some stellar talent. We dont have a Suh. Or a Lavonte. Or a Prince. Or A Dennard. Those are all guys excelling in the pros. Thats ridiculous talent on a team. We better have had some crazy good defenses. I dont think all is fine at Memorial Stadium though. We could get a better recruiter thats probably true. And Cotton could leave. Bo needs to be less loyal to his friends and bring in coaches with a little power to them. He has strides to make as a coach. How can we hold Tom in such high regard, which I do, and not trust him when he has Bo’s back, on all that has happened. I think all this anti Bo talk is dumb.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 22:30:21 +0000

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