My thoughts on all the movie reboot news Fantastic Four 1)I - TopicsExpress


My thoughts on all the movie reboot news Fantastic Four 1)I under stand the need for the logo change. Keeping it like the orignal would have been a bad marketing idea, seeing as the Avengers logo would have been confused. 2)Ben Grimm isnt wearing pants. 3)Terrible idea for a revamp of these characters. I have nothing against the actors and know only what is publicly know about the story line. I have no problem with them being younger but its very clear from the trailer that Sony doesnt care for the source material. 4)The orignal FF movies failed due to poor writing IMO. Actors were picked great, costumes were awesome. Storylines SUCKED. And it seems like Sony is going to repeat past mistakes. All that aside, I dont believe this is going to be a good FF movie and i think itll be a tolerable movie at best. Sony is really falling behind on their superhero movies AMS2 Im looking at you, and it seem like the only reason theyre making these new disasters is to capitalize on the popularity of the Marvel Movie universe. I move for a vote of no confidence in Sony for Marvel movies. #NoSonyMarvelMovies Ghost Busters 1) Cast revealed today, most of these ladies I dont know but Melissa McCarthy, I one I do and I personally I dont care for her. I dont find her all that funny. Shes a fairly good actress so theres that. 2) The movie is said to be targeted to be scarier that the originals, THEN WHY CAST 4 COMEDIANS AS THE LEAD ROLES?? It seems like theyre going to try to use the banter of the cast to balance the scary tone of the movie and that can be done but casting 4 different comedians as your entire lead cast is over kill and is already kinda doomed to fail either way. If theyre funny all the time its not going to be scary, if theyre serious the entire movie its going to be either too scary to too bland. The entire movie is going to hinge on how the writers use the comedic talents of these ladies and to what extent. Rumored Chris Pratt as Indiana Jones 1) I like this idea. I think he can be funny and serious and that he mixes both well. I like Pratt as a person in general just from his actions so far, borrowing the Star Lord Costume to visit a sick kid, and calling out Chris Evans, who I did like as the Human Torch to bring this full circle. 2) Ive seen alot of news saying Oh, hes getting to many big roles to fast. Why shouldnt he? He did great in Guardians so yea go ahead and let his have his spot light. I mean did you see Chris Hemsworth after Thor? And Hemsworth is topless in almost every movie hes in! 3) Lets change canon and make Pratt replace Shia as Indys son! Better idea, lets create a time machine and stop Crystal Skull from being made! It wasnt Shias fault his character sucked and was way to whiny and brooding , the movie just sucked in general and ruined the Indiana Mythos. Also, back to capitalizing on stardom, KotCS came out after Transformers so Shia was a big actor to get. Overall these are the personal rantings of a mad man and should be seen as such. Have your own opinion of the news coming out? Congrats you have fulfilled your job at being an autonomous human being but Id like to hear it anyway. Do you disagree with me? Do you agree? Let me know.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 22:37:16 +0000

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