My thoughts on voting, hint- dont. So the fact is, we are a - TopicsExpress


My thoughts on voting, hint- dont. So the fact is, we are a nation of opinions. We all have them about everything, we vote according to them and hope those we elected, trust those we elected hold those same opinions. And thats wonderful, but what if our opinions are wrong, wrong because of faulty research or none at all. We vote none the less, its patriotic after all, you cant in polite conversation proclaim you didnt vote, its your civic duty, dont you care what goes on? So we vote, we vote for what we feel are like minded politicians. But these are just men and women, complete with all the fallibilities we each all have, people with opinions, opinions maybe based on faulty research or none at all. And thats the process. In the end we take the moral high ground, but is it? Is voting based on your opinion for people that share your opinion, who then have the power of legislator, enforcer, prison guard and executioner indeed the moral high ground? I say no. Somebody once said, government, ideas so good they require force, easy to dismiss but isnt it true? That by voting you not just validate this force of opinion, but encourage it? That you would like your opinion forced on others and you proudly proclaim this with an I voted sticker. I say forcing your opinion on others through the force of law is not patriotic but immoral, an initiation of force, a forcing of your opinion onto others. An opinion that may be wrong, voting for legislators that may be wrong. To exemplify the horrors of this pernicious act, consider how you cast your early votes, the contrast of your votes when you were fresh out of High School, verses how you vote today. For most of us these two ideologies (the younger you verses you today) are on the opposite ends of the political spectrum, but each of your votes were weighed equally by the system. So were you wrong then or are you wrong today? Were the laws enacted by who you voted for right and just then or are they that today? | Then consider, almost all of the laws that rule over us today were written by men that have long since died. Even and especially the documents that founded this country, those men are really long dead. As Lysander Spooner, an early abolitionist, anarchist and founder of a competing mail service said, what right do men have to make laws that extend beyond their lives. He went on, I didnt agree to be ruled by these men, most people alive at the time of signing of the Constitution didnt even agree... Then, as Bill Buppert points out in his brilliant piece, Curbing Leviathan, we dont even get to vote for the best a given land area has to provide. We are permitted to only vote for a hand selected few, an elite few and most nations require that those that hold the highest of elected offices must have been born within the boundaries of their given territory. So, the smaller the nation the smaller the pool of permissible candidates, it doesnt matter if a better candidate with greater understanding wants to lead a nation, he simply is not permitted, how does that help a society? Further, most politicians have lived sheltered, protected, privileged lives. Most of these then candidates/ leaders have very limited broad knowledge and most have limited specific knowledge, but once elected they will sign laws into being on a broad spectrum of issues. And when these men die, their ill informed, good intentioned laws will live on, sparing them as the authors the wrath they have wrought. Add to the above. Typically the best and brightest dont long to work within government but outside of it. The best and brightest create wealth, create prosperity, they innovate. Government does none of these things. So in the end, those that are not the brightest rule over those that are the brightest. Seems a good spot to place a quote by Tacitus, Good men dont need laws, and bad men find a way around them. So this is how it goes with government. A few with likely faulty knowledge vote for a select few that couldnt find a respectable career because they got passed over by the smart kids. They then write and make laws that tend more to have a result opposite their intent and tend to be immortal rather than fleeting. These government created laws then create other more horrible issues that result in even more repugnant legislation and those too become generational. So it goes Withdraw consent you never gave, imagine the result if like war (an entirely government created horror), on election day nobody showed up. That is then, power to the people , a voluntary society free of a mafia-esk like group that has a monopoly on force and cages to lock up those on the tax farm that stray. Brad Waltz
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 15:48:19 +0000

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