My thoughts tie my stomach in nots,late nights no sleep Ive fought - TopicsExpress


My thoughts tie my stomach in nots,late nights no sleep Ive fought with bright lights,I cant stand the attention..the afflictions that comes with such decisions stresses Me out,..But to leave this Place nd Go Back Home,Back To The Place Where I Belong,for You I will stay nd be Strong..I can see you feel alone,Were Grown,I know I too Love getting Stoned,..ON NOLEAGE..Conversations Revealed through Actions a Persons True Power,Nd the Hearts Perception such Deceptions as it polutes the mind frame weakening the Sinces nd the ability to Maintain,.Keep it up youll drive Yourself insane,.What a shame I used to be Great,.But theres No Discriminating when Contiplating Bad Deeds,.¿Whats the Need of planting Bad Seeds?,Producing Selfishness nd Greed,an Unstable Breed with the Slim Chance to Succeed,.I beg nd I plead but things will never change,.Ive been shown Two paths in my dreams,.One sides Mad with pleasure mixed with pain confusion drives those insane from these twisted mind games,stuck suspended in animation replaying every second of Instigations,Interigations,nd Desperations in ones mind,this seems to be a Trap,.but this maze amazes I began to lose Myself,.Im pulled back into Myself,.I unfold not ready nd still leaving questions untold.,Behold theres a New Destination with more Affiliations,.Bringing with them New Situations,.but UNBREAKABLE is My MEDITATION on LIFES BIGGEST Sceams,.I hear Screams in my Dreams,.what a nightmare,.as I scurry in a hurry to make since of it All,.In Conclusion Ive Gathered from All the Confusion,.IS THAT NOTHING REALLY MAKES SINCE,.nd in the End We All Fall To The Calling Of This World,..Nd Even Though I Want To Turn Nd Walk Away,.FOR YOU ILL WILL STAY ND BE STRONG,.I CAN SEE YOU FEEL ALONE...0;-)..::..(-;0
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 09:16:03 +0000

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