My tolerance for disrespect has become extremely short since Henry - TopicsExpress


My tolerance for disrespect has become extremely short since Henry passed. This is not aimed at any one person, Im remembering how I was brought up and how these values seem lost now, these are observations I have seen in my daily life. How I was brought up to respect others. Speech Etiquette Yes Sir or yes Mam if their not family and your on the street, it goes a long way with that person to whom you are speaking to, its called respect, nine times out of ten after the interaction they will ask you to call them by their first name. Its called respect. Trash Etiquette Dont throw trash on the street to be blown around, you have pockets, use them for the trash till you find a proper place to dispose of it. If you see trash in your path or close to it, pick it up and dispose of it in a proper place, if everyone did this you wouldnt see a City Street Sweeper going down your street. Yard Etiquette Don’t trespass no short-cuts through peoples yard, using their pool or taking things from their property. Its called respect. Hat Etiquette for Men • Removing your hat is considered to be a gesture of respect for certain occasions and in certain places. Keeping your hat on during these occasions and in these places (see below) is a gesture of disrespect. • All hats, including baseball caps and knit caps, should be removed when the wearer is indoors, including in private homes and restaurants, however informal, except for public places such as lobbies, corridors, and elevators. • Hats should be removed during the singing of the National Anthem, the passing of the American flag and funeral processions, and during formal outdoor occasions such as weddings and dedications. • After removing your hat, hold it so that the inside of the hat is toward you and not visible to others. • Some people believe that its bad luck to put a hat on a bed, so when you take your hat off in someones home, look for a hat rack or some other place to put it. Its called respect. Helping others Whether it be helping someone to cross the street or Groceries being loaded in their car, packages piled in their arms, Snow removal, or a disabled car. Yes sometimes they will refuse your help but its not lost on them they will remember the offer of help. Its called respect. This is the way I was brought up, it hasnt been forgotten.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 13:49:51 +0000

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