My top 10 most memorable times with my dad! 10) setting: Im - TopicsExpress


My top 10 most memorable times with my dad! 10) setting: Im about 5 or 6 yrs old. Family dinner time at the table. Meal: steak. After a few bites my dad says: hey kids, hows Betsy taste Punch line: Betsy was our pet calf. I laugh now, but I put my fork down and didnt eat steak for many years. My mom was sooooo mad at him. Look on our faces... Priceless 9) Going out to cut down the Christmas tree. Watching dad, cut it down, load it, Flock it ( yeah I can still smell that beauty), drag it in the house, set it up and the decorating! Wow. 8) I was 8. Dad coming to tell me he and mom were getting a divorce. 7) setting: 3 am, dad cramming a brown paper sack in my face; telling me to breathe, I was 5. I just knew he had lost his mind. 6) setting: winter, age 11 or 12. Roads were covered in ice. We had an old green car. There was this big gravel hill completely iced over. dad parked at the bottom. He told us , I bet I can make it up that hill in this old car The most exhilarating moment at that age, was holding on tight while he PUNCHED the gas and slid that car, tail fishing, all the way up the top of that hill! 5)Dad had a love for chihuahuas. We had this wild, crazy puppy that he bet us that he could teach to sit up and beg for food. I was 13. I dont know how many months it took him, but by golly he did it. 4) setting: restaurant in DeQueen. My brother, dad, and I had just finished eating lunch. We were just served cake. I didnt like the icing and I always gave it to dad to eat. We were 10-12yrs old. Dad had to go to the bathroom. So, me and Shane sprinkled salt all over the slice of icing! It was all we could do to not giggle when he returned to take a big bite out of it!!!! Im still cautious anytime I eat icing! Great memory. 3) Feeling and seeing Dads red, warm hands after his heart transplant. Back story: for years dad had white, cold hands with no circulation. It was an amazing sight and feeling those warm hands. I still remember the soft warmth of the hand when he reached out to me. I thought that was the oddest; most miraculous thing ever. I was 15. 2) looking up in the stands, whether it was practice or a game, my father was always there watching. And the number 1 seed goes to the Duck walk 1) Setting: track and field. Age: 12-14. Dad bet me I couldnt duck walk all the way around the track. So one day, we went to the track and he walked beside me while I squatted down and duck walked the entire lap. Now, I thought it seemed quite an easy bet to win prior to my initial 10 steps. The pain and misery, I felt,and watching him look down at me with that big smile, by my side the whole way! I think I got $10 when I crossed the finish line! I was so proud and so was he. I emplor everyone this next year to remember a lost parent with smiles of good times rather than sadness. My father was my best friend, my best everything. He was full of the best laughter, jokes, pranks, bets, hugs and memories. Happy New Year!,
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 20:55:01 +0000

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