My translation, yesterday did it... Architectural Monuments of - TopicsExpress


My translation, yesterday did it... Architectural Monuments of Karabakh Ethnic cleansing policy of the armenians did not pass by the side of the historical and architectural monuments in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan. Only in Karabakh and surrounding areas of the regions there existed historical, architectural and cultural monuments more than thousand, the majority of monuments have been either destroyed or damaged fully or partially by armenians. It is impossible to find neither a single surviving historical and cultural nor gravestone monuments belonging to Azerbaijanis. Armenians carry out deliberate and planned vandalism policy either in Karabakh or other areas of Azerbaijan. They consider that losing the track of the historical monuments, as if they will prove that the Azerbaijanis have not lived at this territory at one time. However, as in most matters, they are mistaken at this one that it is merely impossible to raze Azerbaijani Turks from the historical sources. Karabakh is one of the most ancient centers of civilization. There are eight (8) Music & Art schools for children, Cultural and educational technical school, the house of culture, and five (5) museum and Picture Galleries. Khojaly – Asgaran castle concerning to XIV century, ancient architectural monuments, historical museum of ethnography, 20 clubs, 29 libraries. Khojavand – 20 clubs, ancient Azikh cave (situated in the Azerbaijani district of Fuzuli occupied by Armenia), castles (IX-VIII centuries), tombs (XVIII century). Gubadly – cave chapel from the list of architectural monuments (XIV century), tombs (XIV, XVII centuries), bridge (1867). As a result of the military aggression of Armenia against Azerbaijan, over 20,000 Azerbaijanis were killed, 4,866 are reported missing and almost 100,000 were injured, and 50,000 were disabled, 17 thousand hectares of fertile plot of land, 900 settlements, 130939….., 2389 industrial and agricultural objects, 1025 educational and 798 industrial institutions, 1510 cultural institutions, 5198 m2 automobile roads, 348 bridges, 7568 m2 water and 76940 m2 electric line was caused destruction. Armenian aggressors have cruelly ruined cultural institutions which are cultural heritage of Azerbaijan in the occupied territory. In seized areas 12 museums, 6 picture galleries, 9 palaces of historic importance were plundered and burned. 40 thousand museum riches and exhibits of rare and historically importance, 152 places of worship, temples, as well as 62 were robbed. 977 libraries including 4,6 million books and unexampled manuscripts were destroyed and burned. After destruction of Kalbajar historical museum of ethnography, rare silver and gold jewellery and woven carpets including to the exposition of the museum were carried to Armenia. Look at the scope of the committed robbery in order to lose the track of Azerbaijan.The valuable trees in the forests were cut and sold, year to year exploitation of mineral resources in the occupied zone increased. FIRST DYNASTY MINES of Canada is engaged in the exploitation of the Soyudlu gold deposit of Kalbajar region. Fuzuli – the tomb Sheykh Babi Yusif, epigraphic monuments inform us about the construction works in Karabakh, as well as cultural and educational activity of Karagakh Khans. Sheykh Babi Yaqub, 8-pointed tomb (XVIII century) situated in the Babi village, Fuzuli region, These monuments include these monuments. Jabrail – Initial information about Khudafarin bridge belongs to VIII-IX centuries. The bridge Karpi is concerned to XII century. Historical monuments of Jabrail region, also Diridagh platus of Medieval Age cemetery were collapsed, as well as the tomb and surrounding various grave stones in artistic form remains. Two of them are analogue of ram sculptures and monuments existed in the foothill regions of Azerbaijan. Note: We would like to inform you that these ones are not the full list. Violating cruelly the articles of Haaga convention about protection of cultural property during military disputes and Paris convention about illegal circulation of cultural property, Armenia is still engaged in the robbery of material and spiritual knowledge of the occupied regions of Azerbaijan. I would like to note bitterly that the world community and competent organizations still remain silent to this vandalism. We like to be hopeful that the great conference held in Tabriz will perform its practical importance. Alliance for freedom of Karabakh
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 05:05:56 +0000

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