My trip to the grocery store was filled with the usuals. White - TopicsExpress


My trip to the grocery store was filled with the usuals. White knuckle Scary Spice Granny in front of me on Gihon, terrified she may exceed the speed limit. To make sure that doesnt happen, she traveled well below it. Somehow, we catch up to a cement truck doing 20-25 UNDER the speed limit, which made Scary Spice Granny look like Speedy Gonzales. He finally turns off, and its back to just SSG. We make it up to the light, and as usual, shes one of those that does not believe in turning right on red. So we wait, and wait, and wait. Hold on a second, it she creeping up to the light to turn? Can it be? False alarm. Finally ditch her in a haze of exhaust and make it to the store. Its not very busy in there, so what can go wrong, right? Ha! First to prove my theory wrong was the egg department. I go to get a dozen eggs, and one, two, three, four...wth? cartons of eggs are busted. Lucky #5 made it to the cart. Now were moving. Zip, zoom, and Im done! Get to the checkout, and the guy in front of me has only one item, and the people in front of him are nearly finished checking out. Oh no, hes one of THEM. The kind that refuse to put that one item on the belt (it was a movie in plastic, so he wasnt going to get it dirty) and then maybe be courteous enough to put the separator up for me to begin unloading my half full cart. No. He stands way back, movie in hand, waiting to hand it to the cashier. Grrr...That means the bag carousal will be completely full and also bags sitting on the top and/or the floor, waiting for me to hurry up and get my stuff unloaded from the cart so I can start putting the bags in my cart and make room for the cashier to finish. Leave store, and drive across the road to get gas. Pull in to spot. Use check card to get it started, and then pump gas...that stops at $19.07. Look over at the guy pumping several away. Appears to be just mine. Lock car and head into the store. Walk in, and a clerk asks if I am pumping at #2. I told her yes, and she says I pumped someone elses gas. I asked her how I did that, when I pulled in and there were several open, and nobody in that one. No answer, because they are too busy (three of them) trying to figure out how to fix it. I assume someone came in, paid for their gas, and then thought theyd play beat the clock and make it to their spot before someone pulled in. The clerk also just assumed the same thing, and turned on the pump for me anyhow. After the clerks trying to fix it, and me telling them I was trying to put in $40, which means I needed $21 more, they finally get it fixed and I can resume pumping my gas. She even gets on her trusty microphone and hollers over the speaker that I can pump my gas now. How nice! Back on the road, and again, its the Gihon Road lottery. This time, a grandpa and probably his grandson, terrified to actually make it to the speed limit, so choosing to stay just under. You know, for safety sake. Thank you, grandpa, for keeping us all safe with YOUR new speed limit of S-L-O-W...... I am soooo happy my kids ride a bus. If I had to do a school pick-up today, I may choke someone out.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 16:00:58 +0000

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