My two cents about Ferguson... I was not there on the day that - TopicsExpress


My two cents about Ferguson... I was not there on the day that Mike Brown was killed so obviously I do not have all the facts and therefore cannot have an educated and factual opinion. However, a panel of people, who have seen all of the evidence have now concluded that the officer was not in the wrong. 3 autopsies have all come back saying that he was not shot in the back, multiple eye witnesses have lied and changed their testimonies, and there does not seem to be one person other than the officer that actually knows for a fact what went down. I am disgusted with the way this case was handled by the police department, especially the fact that this young mans body was left in the street for hours, but without the proper evidence the officer cannot, and should not, be found guilty of a crime. At the end of the day, this young man should not have died that day, but his own actions lead up to the horrible scenario, meaning if he and his friend had not been doing something they shouldnt have the officer would have never been there to begin with. Does that mean that he should have died? Absolutely not! But it does mean that he was not just an innocent bystander and that just maybe he did things that lead to the officer reacting the way he did. I do think the officer could have wounded him in a way that would stop him but I do not know how fast things happened or what kind of physical condition the officer was in at that point so it is not my place to judge, just as it is not anyone elses place to judge if they werent there or on the jury. We have got to get to a point where we stop pointing fingers only in cases where people are of a different race than the victim and we have to stop making excuses for criminal behavior. We have to stop assuming people are guilty of a crime based off of assumptions and rumors. We allow kids to disrespect the police and the law then act surprised when they are killed or imprisoned. At the end of the day, if any of us were innocent of a crime we would want the jury to make a decision based on the evidence, not the public opinion, and our legal system promises us that. If this officer is in fact guilty, God will handle it, He knows the truth and His punishment is going to be far more severe. Lets work on teaching our youth to love one another and to respect the law so that we dont have to deal with these things in the future.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 03:08:15 +0000

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