My view on 1 Rep Max & Training. I know a lot of people avoid - TopicsExpress


My view on 1 Rep Max & Training. I know a lot of people avoid pushing to their 1 RM often and think its dangerous or not safe. However I have found with my own training and my clients training that it is FINE to test 1RM when training is going good and when the technique is tight. There is a big difference in going for a 1 RM with good form and bad form. When it comes to females I have found they are able to push to 1 RM more often than males and that their CNS seems to recharge faster. As well females almost always tend to lift with perfect technique where males have a tendency to muscle things a lot more. My goal is that I never miss a lift and that my clients never miss a lift... HOWVER.. You dont get a lift if you dont try it. Some things to consider. 1. Always have perfect form, PERFECT form There is no room for bad form in training, keep the form tight. If you are going to lift on the platform at competition and your form is a little off go for it. In training keep the form tight. 2. Dont Grind Reps Often If you have to grind a rep then back it off for a bit. A grind once in a while is ok but grinding out reps all the time will catch up to you. 3 No Forced Reps If the rep is forced dont do it. If you need a touch thats fine, but dont push it. If you max out on benching dont be a I got 3 more from your spotter doing upright rows. 4. Have Good Spotters Its important to have good spotters and training partners. If you have a good spotter(s) and training partners you will always have more confidence and be able to go that little bit harder. 5. Listen To Your Body When you are having a good day lifting go for it, when you are having a bad day lifting back it off and live to lift another day. Know when to push and when to back off. 6. Listen To Your COACH A trained coach has your best interest in mind and can see things that you cant. They can see everything while sometimes your ego or emotions get in the way. A good coach knows when to push and when to back off. In summary there is nothing wrong with testing your 1 RM, train hard, train smart and make the lift. If you enjoyed this post please like, comment & share! Thanks. Coach Rob
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 01:15:17 +0000

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