My weekly commentary:This was very bad. I mean yes hes still - TopicsExpress


My weekly commentary:This was very bad. I mean yes hes still getting paid, but the comments that Stephen A. Smith made wasnt inappropriate. He just told the truth. Yes no man should ever hit or abuse a woman in anyway. But as a man I must say this. You have some women out there who are more masculine than some men, they are stronger and they are sometimes more aggressive and can be sometimes get to the point that drives a man to the edge. Some women really test mens patience to the point where the man looses it. Women has to understand that not every man was brought up to respect women, to know how to love women. You have men who prefer being players, thugs, assholes and just plain jerks and they treat women like shit. But for some reason there are women who want those kind of men, they prefer them, they like the way those men treat them. I know a woman personally who dumped a very sweet man who was loving, caring and treated her like a Queen for a man who was the total opposite and he abuses her, got her pregnant and till this day she defends him to the tilt like hes a king. So you tell me. How is Stephen A. Smith wrong? No woman should ever provoke a man. No man should ever hurt a woman, but all in all ladies if you hook up with an abusive man then you get what you get and you should not complain. Try being the woman that God created you to be and stop making excuses for these men and trust me that man will never abuse you. He will love you so much and so hard that you will not know what to do. ESPN (The Disney Company) you are wrong. If you were a smart company you would have used his platform to help women and men realize their mistakes and everything that is wrong when it comes to abusing and hurting women. This is life shit happens and we need to make people understand what goes on and how to prevent things like this.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 22:15:24 +0000

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