My wife Lauren spent her entire day today examining and providing - TopicsExpress


My wife Lauren spent her entire day today examining and providing health care for 84 of approximately 52,000 immigrant children from Central America that have been rounded up by the Border Patrol as they crossed the river into the US. This is not a one time thing. Another bus with another 50-100 children will show up to this facility on Wednesday and then again on Friday and so on for the foreseeable future. My heart is absolutely broken for these children. Lauren heard time and time again as these children told their stories of being abandoned at birth and left to all but fend for themselves. One little boy, about 9 years old, told her that he had walked to Texas from El Salvador. That is over 1300 miles that this little boy trekked in an effort to find a place where he didnt have to worry about where his next meal was going to come from. While my wife was performing his check up, he looked at her and told her, You are so lucky that you were born in the United States. That cut me to the core. I way too often take for granted the freedoms and security that I have been granted by being a citizen of this great country. I dont care what your political leanings are, your thoughts on immigration reform, or your religious views, I believe that we can all agree that something has to be done. I understand all of the problems that come with these children illegally crossing the border and I am all for making people follow the rules, but I cant in good conscience support turning these kids back to fend for themselves. As a Christian, I am called by Christ to show that my faith is real by taking care of the widows and the orphans. (James 1:27) I find no fault in these little boys and girls trying to find a place where they can be safe and survive. I dont know what the answer is, but I do know that these children will be in my prayers and that I will be searching high and low to find a solution that gives these kids the opportunity to live a life without fear or worry of what Hell tomorrow might bring. Please join me in not only praying for these children and that their physical needs will be met, but for our lawmakers that are tasked with solving this crisis. Pray that they be able to come together and work across the aisle to find a solution that has these childrens best interest in mind, not political gain. Thank you for joining Lauren and I in prayer. cc: Houstons First Baptist Church
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 04:32:46 +0000

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