My wonderful wife & I were having dinner last night & a family - TopicsExpress


My wonderful wife & I were having dinner last night & a family came in with five (5) children plus one in the oven. Having said that I simply want to say the following; A. Virtually every planetary pollution problem the globe has can lead back to problem/patient one, “OVER POPULATION”. If we had say 3 billion people on the earth instead of 7 billion we would not need as much fossil fuel, we would not need the chemicals used to over farm, we would not be polluting our planets water supply, we would not need to polite the air either with fuel for our homes, our cars or our air travel. B. If we had 3 billion rather then 7 billion people on earth we would not have wars fought over land, we would not need as much mining, as as many tree’s cut down, as many fish being caught, as many egg’s, beef or any other food source. We would not be killing species off making them extinct, we would not be destroying our oceans with plastic. C. If we had only 3 billion people we would not have anywhere near the millions that die every year of starvation, we would have our planet heating up, we would not have our oceans raising, we would not have the thousands killed every year in massive storms because of planetary overheating & we would not have people dying because of polluted air & water. There are many more reasons we should be worried about & doing something about the constant huge trough in population & it is not something that needs more proof then we have now. It does not take a PHD to understand the above anyone with a working brain can see that the sustained growth we have had, if allowed to continue will totally destroy life on our planet as we know it. We need as a society begin to understand that there is a limit to how many people this earth can sustain before it begins to fight back against humanity even more then it now is doing. We need to stand up & fight against the stupidity, selfishness & religion that tells us to “go forth & multiply”. That phrase w=might have been a good idea 2,000 years ago but now now. We are way past the time of common sense when people having more then 2 children are a threat to our planet & the last thing we should be doing is celebrate them as wonderful people with wonderful families. People with more then two children are a drain on not only our society but are contributing to the massive problems our home planet has. They need more food, more water, more energy, more money for schools, more money for everything because of the size of their families. Poverty is rampant is dozens of third world nations simply because the countries can’t produce sufficient amounts of foods to sustain their own population. Country’s like India who have hundreds of thousands of people die from starvation each year, countries all over Africa & the Middle East have tens of thousands dying every year due to starvation & disease due to over population. Here in America these people use more resources for everything from water, food, cars, energy, clothing, everything is multiplied by the people with more then two (2) children. The country needs to begin the process of stopping the unsustainable growth by first off not rewarding the over population in the first place. Rather then give these totally selfish people money for having more children through tax relief we instead need to do the right thing by simply saying, a 5th dependent (husband, wife plus 2 children) will cost you one tax deduction, a 6th will cost you a 2nd tax deduction & so on until when you run out of tax deductions your tax rate goes up. We need to literally charge people for their own stupidity, selfishness & archaic religious beliefs. The tax base of America needs to stop rewarding these people & start charging them for what I call their transgressions. We need to stop putting families with 19 children on TV reality shows & begin to change the whole nations perception of what more then two children can do & is doing to our nation & our planet. We want to charge company’s for air pollution & that makes sense but the actual cause/need of that pollution is population. Energy companies for example wouldn’t need this much energy if the population were half of what it is today. Everything from reduced food, every, freeway, streets, sewers, water, everything would be cut more then 50% making the planet itself begin the healing process it so desperately needs. How can we do the above, well first off the number one enemy to population control is without question religion. We need to stand up as a society & put an end to religion making tax rules that encourages massive families & have those same tax rules charge people for their selfishness. School district’s need to charge for every child over 2 & so forth. We need to stop allowing religion to dictate what is best of our future & make people pay for their ignorance. Lastly we need to fight back against the energy companies, the prison, food producers, automobile producers & so on who will not need/sell more items. We need to be concerned with not allowing the profits of massive corporations to control the future destruction of our planet. Yes I will get hate mail from the religious zealots with tons of children, yes I will lose “likes” over this posting but honestly it is impossible for anyone with a brain that functions to argue any of the above. Having said all of tat, if you agree please be so kind as to put this on your page, ask your friends to put it on their pages & so forth. (If you would be so kind as to ask them to go to Reality From the Left & like it, that would also be nice. Lastly have a nice Thanksgiving, tell your children the story of thanksgiving but please remember to mention that the “real” Americans, the American Indians saw their way of life being destroyed & saw & lived through the massive killings by the “new” Americans form Europe. Tell your children that these people who came from Europe would begin the process of stealing all of the land & killing all of the inhabitants of the America’s & remind your children everything we do here in America was/is not a good & wonderful thing. “Just Saying”. .facebook/MrRealityfromtheleft
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 22:32:13 +0000

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