My word for me today is ~~ Pressure ~~ Something that we are ALL - TopicsExpress


My word for me today is ~~ Pressure ~~ Something that we are ALL familiar with..pressure..It sometimes causes us to make quick, & wrong decisions, & many times is brought on by self , other people, or the worlds way...; But many times too, it is from the Lord through the Power of Holy Spirit, which is a good kind of that leads to right choices, but is kept on us for a season because God needs to teach & train us in perseverance...tests & trials through life issues are the spring boards that train us under the pressure of the Holy Spirits Presence...To be more like Christ is to be obedient to the Holy Spirits leading, which many times places us right in the middle of a pressure type situation, or circumstance... A what would Jesus do moment...Which then should lead us to seeking Gods direction through prayer & the leading & Instruction from His Word..This is how we are trained on how to do what Jesus would do, which is & should be our goal...Remaining humble through our pressure times should also be our goal; humility is a high position in Gods Sight, confirmed in James 1:9..The brother in humble circumstances ought to take pride in his high position...In James 1:12 it says Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him...So when we are brought to a standstill with a life issue.. we should remain humble & open to the Holy Spirits leading & Presence, trusting & believing that God knows best in what He has allowed, & then looking to Him for the direction we need while we feel like we are in a pressure cooker, so to speak, ready to fall apart because we hurt so bad & dont understand..The Holy Spirit will be our Comforter, if we will do as James 1:12 tells us to do..persevere & trust God..for He DOES know best, & He will bless us in due season if we dont give up, confirmed in Galatians 6:9..Pressurefrom God through the Holy Spirits nudging can lead us to Gods Winners Circle, if we continue to love & TRUST Him...EVEN UNDER PRESSURE...I can see I have my assignment for today..How bout you? Ready to handle pressure Gods Way from now on? :D
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 09:54:40 +0000

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