My word for this year is JOY. My aim is to understand where joy - TopicsExpress


My word for this year is JOY. My aim is to understand where joy lives and how to keep its doors open. Every situation possess the potential of JOY. I know what JOY feel like. Real pure JOY. Not joy that come from the chemical manipulation of the body by the ingesting of substances. JOY that come like an explosion at the moment when you truly let down all your wall and barriers and experience 100% free flowing freedom. Most of these moments in my life have come as a result of childish play, like splashing in the river so contagiously that it resulted in 20 people splashing in the river historically in an explosion full bodied freedom and joyous unstoppable laughter. Or jamming on the guitar making up the stupidest two chord songs full of every sound its possible to make that can only result in 10 solid minutes of intense joyous silent laughter resulting in tears and 6pac abbs. So my understanding of how to experience joy is this. Firstly remember that JOY is there, in every moment. let down your walls and have no fear of your fears. Challenge yourself in healthy ways to widen your barriers a bit and express your self honestly and freely. and once you feel good, have loyalty to your experience and dont let other peoples problems become your problems. That where compassion is most important. Compassion is the ability to love and care about others but understand their trials as being their trials. To believe in the goodness of people always but not abandon yourself to wanting them to change nor needing to change a situation. Wanting change and JOY unfortunately are not good friends. JOY is the acceptance of all reality and the denying of none. The unfiltered experience of life. Be JOY.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 12:11:40 +0000

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