My world revolves around God. Jesus is my everything. Is He yours? - TopicsExpress


My world revolves around God. Jesus is my everything. Is He yours? Jesus has a sense of Humor. But the Bible says that Jesus was both fully God and fully man (Romans 9:5). That means he did the things all people do, just without sin (Hebrews 4:15). And it’s not necessarily sinful to laugh. Even God does it (Psalm 2:4). But the Gospels, the four accounts of Jesus’ life, never say, Jesus laughed. We do read that Jesus wept (John 11:35), but never that he laughed or even smiled. But does this mean that he didnt? An argument from silence is never very strong. To see how poor that line of reasoning is, consider all the other things one would need to argue that Jesus never did. For example, there is no account that Jesus ever took a bath, washed his hair, or brushed his teeth. Jesus was a joyful person, continually urging his followers to be joyful. He explains to his disciples, I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete (John 15:11). There is a more personal answer to the question. I believe that Jesus Christ loves me. I cannot imagine that anyone without a sense of humor could do that. How could he possibly take a look at my life—my foibles and my sins—and still declare that he loves me, without at least a little smile? So many times he must shake his head now and look ahead to my eternity in heaven, where my own laughter will never cease (Psalm 126:2). Thanksgiving party at my house! Thank you Jesus for allowing so much happiness in my life....Im sooooo thankful. LOVE YOU MY LORD
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 00:01:55 +0000

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