My year in the ninth grade was a time of positive progression for - TopicsExpress


My year in the ninth grade was a time of positive progression for me. Im not saying I went through some major metamorphosis but I did change in some significant ways. When we are remembering the past we dont have the luxury of jumping in a time machine and going back there for a perfect recall Visit. I do find it quite amazing how quickly we can think a thought and thereby set in motion the miracle of mental recall . Imperceptibly we can command our brain-p.c. to project onto the screen in our mind scenes from a half century back . We can then revisit yesteryear as if we were actually there reliving specific events . The faces, places , voices, aromas,emotions, feelings, tastes, colors, movements, all suddenly reappear and we are there .. Im not claiming these replays are all accurate because we can conveniently diminish or embellish both voluntarily and involuntarily . BUT dont you agree that this ability to image the past demonstrates the marvelous ingenuity of our Creator? So, as I share with you my recollections, I am simple telling you what Im seeing as , inside my head, I watch the video that is at the moment appearing on the wide digital 3D screen which God has placed there. Back to the 9th grade. Evidently there is in some boys a big jump in development between ages 13 and 14. As young male human beings move through adolescents and reach puberty the changes programmed by God into our DNA are not only physical but also mental and emotional . A multiplicity of factors play a role in influencing us during this sensitive , vulnerable, exciting, and essential passage of life. Our shook year ended in May and started back after Labour Day. On July 30 I turned 14th. Through the course of the next year lots of natural changes took place and I believe some supernatural changes too. The growing spell that Id heard the grown folks talk about had come upon me. Thankfully my growth spurt was not only physically but also mentally, emotionally, and even to some degree spiritually . I look forward to sharing with you some changes I remember and for which I will be forever grateful. Some very special people had vital parts in helping me as I began to at least sorta start the long process of growing up
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 21:56:29 +0000

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