Mystery Illness can take many forms, but the experience one has - TopicsExpress


Mystery Illness can take many forms, but the experience one has seeking answers and cures for unexplained symptoms usually falls into one of three categories. The first type of experience is when--after going from doctor to doctor and withstanding a battery of tests, scans, and blood work--a patient is told nothing is wrong with them. For example, a person may visit healers, practitioners, and doctors for answers to their severe exhaustion, unexplained weight gain and loud ringing in the ears. Though it’s all this person can do to persevere through each day, all the tests--from alternative to conventional--come back normal. Thirty-five years ago, this example applied to thousands and thousands of women. They complained of symptoms such as hair loss, fatigue, ringing in the ears, severe headaches and eye aches, chronic low-grade fevers, aches and pains in joints, random moving pain, serious depression, and anxiety. Yet, when tests failed to reveal any diagnosis, these symptoms were all written off by doctors, healers, and practitioners. The ailing women received the pronouncement stating all the symptoms were in their heads, they were hypochondriacs, crazy, making it up, or simply had nothing better to do with their spare time than invent symptoms for themselves. Decades later, however, what they were all experiencing finally has a label: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. What does CFS mean? Basically it means nothing. It’s a mystery illness. In the end, its a diagnosis that doesnt add up to much because the mystery behind it is still being debated and argued in both the alternative and conventional medical worlds. In fact, more people suffer from it today than did thirty-five years ago. Whereas in the past, those experiencing the as-yet-unlabeled CFS were predominantly forty-five to sixty-five-years-old in age, today those suffering from CFS can be as young as fifteen. Still, CFS is a label for a particular sort of unexplained or mystery illness, and it took a multitude of people not being understood to get to this point of even acknowledging it as a valid illness. There are many other mystery symptoms that people experience in the present day with no answers from the medical community yet, not even a name. The second type of experience which those with mystery illness symptoms have is when they receive a diagnosis and a prescribed type of treatment but the treatment doesnt get them better. In these instances where so few people are actually healing with a given treatment, doesnt this also constitute an unexplained illness? Or is it just the cure thats the mystery, since the health community has a name for a set of symptoms but cant find an answer that truly helps those suffering? Spirit considers these people who are undergoing ineffective treatment to be dealing with mystery, unexplained illness and mystery, unexplained cure. Though Spirit can see the true cause and the way toward health, the person isnt receiving this guidance from the practitioners they consult and thus ends up making no headway with their healing. The third type of experience is when a person suffering with compromised health goes to the doctor or practitioner--and is then misdiagnosed. In this case, the person often has no idea that they’ve received the wrong label and all of their friends and family are convinced its the correct diagnosis as well. One can carry around a misdiagnosis for years, receiving the wrong treatment all of that time while getting no results or even worsening. This persons experience is also that of mystery illness because they cant find a way to get better. These three types of experiences--unnamed illness, ineffective treatment, and misdiagnosis--are a big part of why people arent getting better from what ails them. Unexplained and mystery illness isn’t like slamming your thumb in the car door. In that case, you know the cause behind the pain in your finger and you know who was responsible. Mystery illness isn’t like going into kidney failure. In that case, you may not know the underlying reason, but you at least know you need a new kidney. In both these examples, you’ve a way to move forward. When someone has unexplained symptoms with a mysterious cause, though, guesswork--on the part of the patient and the practitioners--is all there is. How many years had people suffered from burning, excruciating pain and mild paralysis of the limbs before doctors realized that the cause was the deterioration of myelin nerve sheaths in the body, now known as Multiple Sclerosis? Even after all this time since MS has had a name, the health community still doesnt have definitive answers for why or how this happens. MS is, in effect, a mystery illness. Why must it take thirty-five years to discover the true cause behind people’s aches and pains? Why must it take even longer to discern a reliable cure? Is it going to take three decades to figure out why all the bees are dying? How many bees will be left when all the competing theories have died down and the true source of disease has been discovered? With Spirit, Anthony William Medical Medium can see in the moment what is truly wrong with each person. If there was a misdiagnosis or an unacknowledged illness, Spirit can see this, determining the real issue behind each persons suffering. Spirit can also get people better from unnamed illnesses and those ailments for which the prescribed treatment has failed to make a difference. With insight and compassion, Spirit provides a way out of the confusion, providing people with direction and, thereby, freedom and healing.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 22:12:11 +0000

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