Mystery of Attracting the Soul Mate and being Soul Mate--- 99% - TopicsExpress


Mystery of Attracting the Soul Mate and being Soul Mate--- 99% of questions and healing requests are from Lovers[and most of them are from those who want to love and want to be loved] and it is so natural,as I can not reply each one ,so I am simply writing some healing SWITCH WORDS and exercises ,which will help all those,who wish relationship to improve.. Lets attract our soul mate and if there is one how to continue him or her as Soul Mate [This is more mystifying than finding one]--- Mystery- Fact is there is no Soul Mate,There is only one mate to your soul and that is YOU. Everyone else you desire is your extension.To attract a soul mate,we need to be best mate to our own soul.Those who are not happy to be what they are and not willing to be happy in what they have can not find Soul Mate. Basic Requirement-- SWITCH WORD,MANTRA and MAGIC ..all can help you to be a soul mate and find the one. Provided you are aware of what you want? You know exactly what person in your life is needed? Before you Jump ahead to find, Please consider this- 1] What can I give to a relation? The Basic foundation of any successful relation is Unconditional Giving Are you Ready to give unconditionally to person you want in life? Are you not the one who want unconditional love and want to give love with conditions attached,like-money,status,weekends etc.etc. If you are in conditional love than look for a weekend date and do not extend it beyond physical fun. Relationship is much more than Fun ,it is pure bliss and to attain bliss you need to learn to give everything and accept nothing. 2] Now the Attraction- Be Sure what you are asking for? As to 200% it is delivered to people but later they find out that - - This is not what I asked for in a relation or marriage? Many Married Couples will vouch for what is written above. So Let the Mind free of any want,fill it with love ,when you go to sleep and as you arise for day, Invite the Love of your life,the person who will make you physically and spiritually complete and the person whom you are ready to give even your life. Try filling your soul with this feeling ,if you do it for 30 days as you go to sleep and as you wake up,slowly and mystically a figure ,a living figure will emerge in your subconscious and it will be crystal clear. Do not Visualize,I repeat- do not visualize, as this is the surprise packet ,let divinity design and carry this soul gift to you. Trust me- between 90 to 120th day you will see that person in flash and blood. And Sign is your own heart beating- Your heart will tell you,show you- So The Sign is- Your own heart. ,and trust me you will be blessed-- [Excerpts from SWITCH WORD- THE MANTRA MAGIC- Part-2] Link to book page- amazon/dp/B00PIB7JZA/ref=cm_sw_r_fa_dp_pkOHub18J2WXD
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 07:04:05 +0000

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