Mystical Mystras, a fortified town Lure This steep, rocky hill - TopicsExpress


Mystical Mystras, a fortified town Lure This steep, rocky hill at the foot of Mount Taygetos is covered with the ruins of churches and palaces and homes. The slope of the rock mass, which dominates the plain of Sparta is heavy with the history, legends and symbols. The ruins of the Byzantine city of Mystras radiate mysticism. Mistras castle is founded 1249 years by Geoffroi de Villehardouin at the Acropolis, who leads to the slopes of Mount Taygetos, 6km northwest of ancient Sparta. These were difficult years since the fall of Constantinople to the Franks in 1204 year, the disaster who is led to the division of Romania (as the Byzantine Empire is was called by its inhabitants). De Villehardouin castle is was erected on a stronghold who dominating over the plain of Sparta. Rocky hill is was known as Myzethras, name of uncertain origin. One theory holds that it comes from the shape the mountain that resembles a Greek cheese myzethra. Another theory says that is the trader myzethra been the owner of the area. At one way or the other, the name is during the centuries has evolved in Mystras.
Posted on: Mon, 12 May 2014 17:26:05 +0000

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