Myth of development in state of Bihar Much hype and hoopla has - TopicsExpress


Myth of development in state of Bihar Much hype and hoopla has been made that Bihar has been sprinting ladder of success and glory in developmental domain, but abiding facts hinged on ground realities fails to corroborate it as our savvied people are smart enough to understand that it is the mere handiwork of complicity between media and wily politicians, who are at the helm of governance .People had reposed their absolute reliance by transcending the barrier of caste ,community and regionalism in 2005 when they ousted the previous RJD government which had become synonymous with corruption. But Alas! We are sorry to state that present government led by so called Sushan Babu has betrayed the cause of millions of Biharis and has let us down .People had enthroned this government with overwhelming majority as they had huge expectations that all their long cherished dreams to restore and subsequently spawn heavily dented image of state would be accomplished under the stewardship of Sushan Babu. It was more of a wish fulfillment fueled by NDA with abundant allurements to drastically change the destiny of Bihar than electorate need and anti-incumbency factor which routed RJD at the election gladiator in 2005.Previous RJD government that was knee deep wading through quagmire of corruption and chaos had scored abysmally low on good governance and Industrialization and had been almost indifferent to pangs of peasants. But where the present government looks different? Has it cleaned the Augean stable and cleansed the politics of its dross? Perhaps not, as in the present governance too corruption abounds, but it has been ingeniously kept under leash thanks to media’s panegyric paean of the ruling government .Undoubtedly, status of living has substantially improved in urban areas but large pockets of population dwelling in remote areas are still deprived of basic amenities of life. IT is almost heart wrenching to see that despite government’s avowed vow to eradicate poverty and establish industries, it still remains a mere mirage. Exodus of laborers on gargantuan scale to other states to meet the both ends of their life explodes the myth that our state is heading towards steady development .Status of farmers still remains bleak as they are easily vulnerable to various calamities; at times triggered by wrathful nature and at times unleashed by coercive policies of the government .Education in general and higher education in particular has almost been eclipsed in Bihar which is evidently clear from sheer disarray that seems to have become norm of our educational paradigm .When school teachers, who are said to be nation builders are paid a paltry amount of 7000 to 9000 thousand per month one can nicely comprehend how education is the least prioritize sector for the government . Where school children are allowed to become morsel of death by consuming poisonous food government’s priorities towards education can be better understood .Pathetic Condition of state universities are also a pointer towards the fact that how the ruling government has brushed aside its responsibilities to spruce up Higher education in Bihar. It is good that during the regime of this government some of the premium and elite academic institutions were set up .These academic set up because of its limited seats can’t cater the need of major chunk of the population. But what about state universities which are getting anonymous day by day and have become mere resource center for conducting examinations and declaring results? One can say with conviction that never ever our higher education has seen this sorry state of affairs. Remember that this is the land of iconoclastic leaders like Gandhi and JP, who became the fulcrum of many evolution and revolutions which ushered the state towards seminal changes. If the present government fails to stir out of its spell of slumber it may be dethroned by the same people who had saddled it with power. History of Indian politics is replete with scores of example that how unpopular government were voted out of power when they utterly failed to meet their voter’s aspirations .vajpai, s led NDA government despite its shibboleth of shining India and
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 06:59:51 +0000

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