Myth of importance of #EU trade blown apart as experts reveal it - TopicsExpress


Myth of importance of #EU trade blown apart as experts reveal it is NOT vital to UK economy. NEW figures give the lie to claims that trade with the European Union is vital to Britain’s economy.Exports to the EU now make up just 36 per cent of the UK’s overseas trade, barely more than we sell to the Commonwealth. Analysis of Government statistics released in October shows the true size of the EU export market is far less than the 44 per cent official total. That figure includes goods which go via ports in Belgium and the Netherlands, which are counted as exports to the EU despite them being merely in transit and immediately shipped off to other non-EU countries. While exports to the EU are in decline, business with the Commonwealth and Anglosphere markets such as the US, Australia and Hong Kong is booming. Exports to the Commonwealth and the Anglosphere have reached 33 per cent of the UK total – up from 28 per cent in 1992. The true export tally was uncovered by anti-EU campaign group Get Britain Out. Spokesman Luke Stanley said: “These figures demonstrate how redundant our membership of the EU has become to the British economy. “We must leave the EU now and press ahead arranging free trade agreements with our historic and cultural allies all across the globe. “From the US and Canada in the west to India, Hong Kong and Australia in the east, the potential markets for an independent Britain’s exports are limitless.” The export figures, released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), highlight the decline of Britain’s trade with the other 27 countries in the EU. Even the official figure of 44 per cent is far below the 56.2 per cent share of exports which went to the EU in 1992. The ONS statistics reveal how the 44 per cent figure is arrived at by counting in exports shipped to other countries via EU ports. Ian Milne, chairman of anti-EU business pressure group Global Britain said: “The ONS, in the notes at the back of their annual ‘Pink Book’, draws readers’ attention to this statistical distortion. “Global Britain has attempted to get the ONS, and their masters in Her Majesty’s Government, to address this anomaly, but the perennially Europhile HMG doesn’t want to know. “It would be embarrassing to have to admit that they’d been overstating the importance of the EU to UK trade for years.” Britain’s trade with the EU was one of Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg’s key arguments for staying in the organisation ahead of the European elections in May this year during his television debates with Ukip leader Nigel Farage, Ukip trade spokesman William Dartmouth MEP said yesterday: “The UK’s rising exports to the Commonwealth and declining exports to the EU demonstrates that there is no economic reason at all for the UK to be in a political union with the low-growth economies of the Eurozone. “Back in 1973 when we joined the then Common Market, we turned our backs on the Commonwealth. “It was a bad mistake then. Demonstrably, it is even more of a mistake in the 21st century.”
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 18:40:27 +0000

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