NAAWP: Now is a GREAT TIME to JOIN! WHITES and MUSLIMS WAGE WAR on - TopicsExpress


NAAWP: Now is a GREAT TIME to JOIN! WHITES and MUSLIMS WAGE WAR on ZIONISM! NAAWP: Now is a GREAT TIME to JOIN! AMERICAN-MUSLIMS UNITED! NAACP FINANCED by ZIONISTS JEWS! In 2013, WHITE PEOPLE and MUSLIMS must work together to bring down the ZIONIST CONTROLLED WORLD MEDIA (MSNBC, CNN, HLN, ABC, CBS and NBC) and the JEWISH ANTI-WHITE, ANTI-CHRISTIAN and ANTI-AMERICAN AGENDA! By Al Cronkrite The Covenant News ~ Have you noticed, gentle reader, that the leaders and heroes in the movies and on television have become either Black or Female? Have you wondered why WASPS (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants) are ignored, relegated to taking orders, or portrayed as wimps or fools? If you are white and your ancestors worked and paid taxes to support this nation, does it bother you that by 2050, or before, your children will be a minority in a nation sustained by their parents? Read about it here. Maybe the National Association for the Advancement of White People (NAAWP) could garner the same financial and managerial support its sister organization the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) received. The Spingarn brothers backed with Jewish money and power managed the NAACP for over fifty years. Read about it here. When White people become a minority can we expect similar support? Probably not since Jonathan Kaufman in his book “Broken Alliance” writes, "Both [blacks and Jewsl shared a common desire to break down the barriers of prejudice. Both shared a common enemy: the prejudiced white Gentile." (p. 268) WASPS (“the prejudiced white Gentile”) ARE A COMMON ENEMY (of Zionist Jews and Blacks). You see WASPS were first perceived as an enemy by Jews then, with heavy Zionist influence, they became and remain an enemy to Blacks. Zionist involvement in Black affairs did not contribute to the mending of relationships; instead it created in Blacks the same hatred for WASPS harbored by Zionist Jews. Black organizations supported and often managed by Jewish Americans have not contributed to harmony between the races but instead have fostered strife! EXAMPLE: The SOUTHERN POVERTY LGBT LAW SINNERS! Before I go on, please take time to read this excellent article by Henry Makow concerning anti-Semitism. His conclusion that integrated Jews are not the culprits is correct. In his review of Jonathan Kaufman’s book Paul Grubach points to the lack of a valid reason for Jewish support of Blacks. It was not the Holocaust since support started long before WW II. If Israeli treatment of the Palestinians is any indicator, it is certainly not any inherent sympathetic altruism for the underdog. What then was the reason for the willingness of wealthy American Jews to support black causes with money and expertise? In describing the elite cabal that controls the world’s monetary supply Henry Makow informs us that intermarriage between Jews and Gentiles has often served to consolidate control and has diluted exclusive Jewish control. This, too, is true. Fatuous1 MARK TRAINA fatuouscra@aol marktraina.webs NAAWP PRESIDENT, CEO and NATIONAL SPOKESPERSON certified school psychologist/economist/civil rights activist/504-231-3056 CANDIDATE for GOVERNOR of the GREAT STATE of LOUISIANA 2015
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 05:27:43 +0000

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