NAD DOWN RESULTS AND POINTS Match 1 : Jake Gymini vs HBK - HBK - TopicsExpress


NAD DOWN RESULTS AND POINTS Match 1 : Jake Gymini vs HBK - HBK - Jake, the smarter and more skilled in ring wrestler of the two gymini went to work both out wrestling and majorly overpowering HBK. It wasnt looking good for the heart break kid.....but he had a come back....flying forarms, major cross bodys.....HBK was gaining momentum and a huge second wind as Jake had become pretty beat down and gassed....when the moment was right justa quick BOOM SWEET CHIN MUSIC....Jake was down HBK went up high, dove from the top rope with a flying elbow drop, hits it and covers Jake for the 1-2-3 Match 2: John Cena vs Chris Masters - JOHN CENA - Masters waits in ring as Cena comes down to a torn crowd....lets go cena cena sucks lets go cena cena sucks chanted the JNW universe..... masters started posing and Cena went right to work being mad that masters was not taking this match seriously. They locked up, a test of strength....Masters shoved Cena flying and posed again. Cena even more enraged dove at masters with punches, strike after strike but masters locked his arms around Cena and threw him with a belly to belly suplex and again masters went to posing. This time Cena hit him with a shpoulder tackle, followed by a cena slam followed by yes.....the 5 faggot shuffle....I mean 5 knuckle (sorry Garcia) and Masters seemed stunned. As masters was getting up cena flipped him up and BANG.....attitude adjustment!!!! Cena made the quick cover for pinfall victory. After the match Cena celebrated but the celebration was cut short......Masters came from behind clubbing Cena with a double axe handle knocking him forward...cena tried to get up but Masters was furiously stomping cena.....Masters let cena struggle to get up but then locked in the masterlock. there was no escape for cena as Masters held the hold until Cena was out cold. Masters grabbed the mic and announced that the masterpiece is here to stay and demanded a rematch with John Cena for Mak Attack!!! Segment: Ralph Shamrock is being interviewed backstage about his upcoming match at Mak Attack for the IC title. Shawn Michaels walks into frame Hows everyone doin today Shamrock looks mad. HBK continues walking by as the interview picks back up HBK quickly flys back in and drills Shamrock with some sweet chin music knocking him out cold. Match 3 : Shelton & Haas vs Gangrel & Kevin Thorn - WGTT - When Shelton and Haas are on the same page its hard to stop them and tonight was no different. Even the strength and youth that Gangrel and Kevin Thron brought together as a team was nothing compared to Haas and Shelton working together. There was suplex galore, arm drags, leg drags...the vampire warriors didnt seem to have an answer or way to mount offence. Suddenly the lights went out.........When they came back on Tyson Tomkno was in the ring stomping Benjamin and Haas with Gangrel and Thorn. THe ref called for the bell and DQd the vampires but that wasnt it. Chritian slip into the ring and hit Haas with the killswitch....while at the other side of the ring Edge entered and hit a huge spear on shelton benjamin. Gangrel picked each of them up and delivered his impaler ddt. Once again the new brood stood tall but after a loss. With Mak Attack just one show away both Edge and Christian will be in the upcoming tag title match which also will include Haas and Benjamin. Segment: After the assault from Brock Lesnar Jack Swagger was interviewed backstage about Lesnar. He stated that he would like a match vs the beast at Mak Attack claiming he would end the hype on Brock Lesnar. Match 4: Kevin Nash vs Mark Henry - KEVIN NASH - This was a battle of big men, Nash had the speed advantage though and also height making it hard for henry to lock in any holds or land to many effective strikes. None the less Henry fought hard. Nash clubbed on Henry seemingly from above but Henry fought threw it. He took the shots and locked his arms on Nash....lifted him and WORLDS STRONGEST SLAM..... 1 - 2 - KICK OUT....Nash kicked out. Henry whipped nash to the ropes and went to grab nash upon his return but nash ducked it and hit the ropes again. Upon coming back at henry from the ropes the second time Nash lifted his leg and BOOM....he hit the running big boot and went down for the cover. It was over and Kevin Nash will progress in the King of the Ring Tournement. Segment: Rob Van Dam comes out the the ring and announces that he was suppose to be in the 10 man hardcore title match but was removed do to some injustice on the behalf of a future JNW special guest general manager. He also announces But thats ok with me because I am R-V-D and goes on to say that he will be the first man that the new hardcore champ will defend the hardcore title against at Mak Attack Match 5: HARDCORE TITLE MATCH - Abdullah the Butcher vs Balls Mahoney vs JBL vs Cactus Jack vs Road Dogg vs Sabu vs Goldust vs Vince Mcmahn vs Batista vs Kurt Angle- ROAD DOGG - The match started as a huge brawl, anything goes....trash can shots, chair shots, stretchers, cariboo can was all going down. JBL clothelined Sabu to hell and pinned him. Goldust was speared by ROMAN REIGNS and covered by Vince Mcmahn who had summoned Roman Reigns into the match on his behalf. Balls mahoney was attacked from behind with a chairshot by Mr Kennedy who then fled the scene after getting his revenge and Balls was pinned by Batista. Upon Batista getting up he was scooped up and hit with an angle slam and covered to be eliminated by Kurt Angle. Abdullah the butcher then went to work on Angle as Cactus jack was fighting road dogg. vince was signaling to the crowd and out came Mark Henry who hit a worlds strongest slam on JBL allowing mcmahn to pick up another elimination. Road dogg and cactus jack saw this going down and quickly rushed henry and beat him till he fled. Mcmahn tried to fight them off but they swarmed him beat him down badly and covered mcmahn. Kurt was outlasting Abdullah who had become blown up and exhausted, angle was easily able to get butcher into an ankle lock and tap him out. the three guys left, road dogg, kurt angle and cactus jack looked at eachother and all started to fight. Angle and jack were locked up Road dogg rolled out of the ring without much being noticed. Angle hit a angle slam on cactus and then locked in the grapevine ankle lock tapping out cactus but before he even broke the hold in came road dogg with a trash can, laid out angle covered him and once again won the hardcore title! ROAD DOGG NEW HARDCORE CHAMP (Road Dogg has been hardcore champ more times than anyone in JNW toy fed history) Segment: JNW personality Mak Durban has caught up with Dusty Rhodes back stage and questioned him as to why he attacked his own son Cody Rhodes on the road during a house show then walked out on him. Dusty just walked away and did not respond. Match 6: Renee Dupree vs Sylvain Granier - SYLVAIN GRANIER - The match started with them reaching out to shake hands but sylvain kicking Renee Durpee in the gut as a cheap shot and quickly putting him up for the 3 seconds of fame drilling Renee onto his head on the matt and getting one of the fastest pinfalls in JNW toy fed history. Sylvain kicked renee out of the ring and grabbed the mic annoucing to the world that Everybodys last pick was on the rize and nothing is going to stop him Segment: Booker T and Mr Perfect were seen in an office together taking a call on speaker phone but before JNW sources could enter or find anything out Perfect perfectly slammed the door shut Match 7: Bubba Ray Dudley vs Jesse Gymini - JESSE - Bubba came in with his brawling style, problem is Jesse is the brute of gymini....he can take those shots like they are nothing and deal some of the strongest blows in JNW toy fed. He is also still very skilled in wrestling ability and slams. Jesse dished out some strong blows overtaking bubba and tiring him out before Jesse went on to hit a spear on the winded Dudley and picked him up for the jack hammer and slamming him down into the pin for the three count. Jesse has progressed in the King of the ring. After the match jesse continued to beat down Bubba until Dvon ran out and hit him with a shoulder tackle and some quick strikes. jesse ducked out of the ring and left. Dvon helped Bubba up and gave him a hug. He then picked up the mic and said Bubba you were in King of the ring and I was not, id like if you gave me a singles match against you to see who is the better man in the ring bubba accepted the challenge and they held eachothers hands up in the center of the ring Segment: Mr Kennedy comes down to the ring hyping himself up and talking about how he has a future IC title shot contract. During the speach Balls Mahoney runs out from the crowd and attacks Kennedy. They continue to brawl until JNW officials break up the fight. Match 8: Big Show vs Big Foley - BIG FOLEY - In the battle of the big men, it was Big Foley who came out on top. Big foley just a little bigger, a little stronger he outlasted the big show and overall worked a better match. Big show had hit a big leg drop, and a huge choke slam but in the end he couldnt keep Big Foley down and fell victom to an enormous double arm ddt. This proves that Big Foley is infact the Biggest, Longest and Hardest big man in the JNW toy fed today as he progresses in the King of the ring. After the Match Brock Lesnars music hits and he rushed the ring, tags a tired Big Foley with some strong strikes and puts him up for the F5. Big Foley is down and Big show is trying to get up....Lesnar throws him up on his shoulders and delivers a F5 to big show as well. Lesnar freaks out in the ring as Both big show and big foley were left laid out in the ring at his feet. Points for Nad Down episode 1 Mav: Match 1 four, Match 2 two, Match 3 zero, Match 4 zero, Match 5 three, Match 6 one, Match 7 zero, Match 8 four, Promo 1 = 15 TOTAL = 32 Oyewole: Match 1 one, Match 2 one, Match 3 one, Match 4 zero, Match 5 three, Match 6 one, Match 7 one, Match 8 zero, Promo 1 = 9 TOTAL = 32 Sirkis: Match 1 one, Match 2 zero, Match 3 one, Match 4 zero, Match 5 three, Match 6 zero , Match 7 zero , Match 8 one = 6 TOTAL = 30 Kenny: Match 1 one, Match 2 one, Match 3 one, Match 4 zero, Match 5 zero, Match 6 zero, Match 7 one , Match 8 one, Promo 2 = 7 TOTAL = 44 Lokus: Match 1 one, Match 2 zero, Match 3 four, Match 4 zero, Match 5 six, Match 6 zero , Match 7 zero , Match 8 one, promo 1 = 13 TOTAL = 35 Rafe: Match 1 one, Match 2 one, Match 3 two, Match 4 two, Match 5 one, Match 6 two , Match 7 zero , Match 8 zero, Promo 1 = 10 TOTAL = 31 Garcia: Match 1 zero, Match 2 four, Match 3 zero, Match 4 zero, Match 5 nine, Match 6 one , Match 7 zero, Match 8 two, Promo 1 = 17 TOTAL = 32 Unhappy: Match 1 one, Match 2 one, Match 3 one , Match 4 zero, Match 5 zero, Match 6 zero , Match 7 zero based on no pick , Match 8 one = 4 TOTAL = 30 Nighthawk: Match 1 one, Match 2 one, Match 3 zero, Match 4 four, Match 5 three, Match 6 one, Match 7 zero, Match 8 one = 11 TOTAL = 29 Caveman Dan: Match 1 one, Match 2 zero, Match 3 two, Match 4 one, Match 5 zero, Match 6 one , Match 7 three, Match 8 zero = 8 TOTAL = 28 Munch: Match 1 one, Match 2 one, Match 3 One, Match 4 zero, Match 5 three, Match 6 one , Match 7 zero, Match 8 one = 8 TOTAL = 35
Posted on: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 21:05:57 +0000

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